mushroom dance, whatever could it mean?
Okay, can I just point something out?
Pietro is a sheep. The average sheep weighs about 200 lbs. Helium has a lifting force of approximately 0.002204623 lbs per liter. That means to lift Pietro, that balloon must be carrying over 90 thousand liters of helium inside it. Based on the balloon's size, it's clear this is not possible, so the balloon shouldn't be lifting him.
BUT another thing: Pietro doesn't even have hands or fingers. How is he holding on to the balloon? Even if you could excuse the fact that Pietro is way too heavy for the balloon, he would fall to his death very quickly. So now I'm afraid Pietro is going to break his back and die.
Long story short, my immersion for this event is ruined. Thanks a lot, staff. You sure thought this one through.
why did you have to do this.
oh my god.
i'm hurt.