I voted that I like it, but only because it evolves into Raichu who I like much more, lol. Pikachu isn't too bad, either. It's inoffensive enough on its own and just there to fulfill the role of being the mascot. The face everyone in the world recognizes. It does its job as mascot well. It's a cute Pokémon, too. To me, it doesn't feel nearly as overrated as some other Pokémon: Lucario, Zard, Gengar... You know, those guys lol
In battle, however, Pikachu has very,
very little survivability. Its defenses, no matter how high leveled Pikachu is, are simply horrendous. It's a fast electric mouse and nothing more, lol even holding an Eviolite doesn't help it tank an Earthquake from a Diglett.
I prefer Kantonian Raichu's design more. Alolan Raichu does nothing for me. I don't even know why it needed an Alolan regional variant to begin with... Oh wait, it's because it's related to Pikachu, and yet it's weird that Pikachu didn't get a different form, too. Nor Pichu for that matter.... Why only Raichu? I can only guess that someone in the dev team personally prefers Raichu too.
My favorite Pika-clone of all time is and will always be Dedenne

I remember falling instantly in love with it upon first seeing it. It looks more like a Raichu clone rather than a Pika-clone imo and the fact that it's so small it can literally fit in your pocket. I love it so much