Pokémon Pikachu

Do you like Pikachu?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 13 26.0%

  • Total voters


Apr 28, 2022
Tera Orb
Perfect Apple
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Apple (Fruit)
So Pikachu is pretty much the most recognizable Pokémon, and it is also the mascot of the Pokémon franchise.

What do you guys think of #25? I think I'll share my thoughts in a separate post later.
I'm fairly neutral towards Pikachu, I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. It's just kind of there. I will say it HAS inspired some pretty good clones from some of the generations, but aside from that I don't really care. I was a bit saddened to find out that it's still promoted heavily in the anime Pokemon Horizons, as is Charizard (They both belong to the professor). You'd think they would have moved on from them after Ash left the series, but I guess not, lmao.
I used to hate Pikachu when I was younger, especially because of how OP it is in the anime and how favored it is when it comes to merchandise, but I've mellowed out more (in this particular regard) as I've gotten older. Pikachu is the mascot of the series, so it's fair that it's so popular, even if I don't particularly love it.
Pikachu more like MIDkachu lol

Anyways I don’t hate Pikachu at all. It’s cute, but I don’t think it’s that special. Not super interesting design-wise either. Like what Midoriya said, it’s kind of just there for me. I honestly prefer some of its clones to it, and I definitely think Raichu is miles better. That’s probably the only reason I’d catch one. I guess it makes sense how overmerchandised and favored it is compared to other Pokemon, considering it’s the mascot, but still, I think there’s way better ones to choose from. I mean, it would be cool if we had a few other Pokemon have voice clips as cries like it does.
So I'm neutral on Pikachu. I think it's cute but not one of my faves. I always thought it was overrated, likely because of Ash's overpowered Pikachu. Raichu doesn't get much flack because of this. (I honestly like Raichu more.)

One time I tried using a Pikachu in a team without evolving him with the thunder stone and I don't think it went well; even with how high his level was he couldn't take a hit from the others that had slightly lower levels than him. T^T

That kind of dampered my opinion on Pikachu, but I really can't bring myself to actually hate this Pokémon. I bought a Switch case a few weeks ago that had Pikachu in it, and I fell in love with the design when I saw it. I've been using it since then.
I think Pikachu's cool! Not my personal fav Pokemon but its chill! I do love the female Pikachu's heart tail :)
I like pikachu! That's mainly because I grew up practically taped to the pokemon anime, and I don't really care about it being over powered in the anime as opposed to in-game, because main characters are always OP tbf. So I guess it's more that I like anime pikachu than game pikachu, but I still think it's a great pokemon.

That being said.... Raichu is my preferred evolution >:D
I'd say I'm somewhere around neutral when it comes to Pikachu. I've always preferred Raichu and, in years past, I was more annoyed by how much preferential treatment Pikachu received with things like the Light Ball. That, combined with the seeming public opinion influenced by the Lt. Surge gym battle episode in the anime made it seem like Raichu got screwed over a bit. Raichu still lives in Pikachu's shadow, but at least it got some attention with its Alolan form.

I've mellowed and the annoyance has just kind of turned into indifference. I don't dislike Pikachu, I don't really dislike any Pokémon to be honest, but yeah, Pikachu doesn't really do anything for me. It's okay.
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I love Pikachu! Such a cute and cool Pokemon, and I'm a huge sucker for cute things. He was actually my favorite Pokemon overall for the longest time, until Buizel came out of nowhere and overtook him on my list. He's still holding on as a strong second though!
I voted that I like it, but only because it evolves into Raichu who I like much more, lol. Pikachu isn't too bad, either. It's inoffensive enough on its own and just there to fulfill the role of being the mascot. The face everyone in the world recognizes. It does its job as mascot well. It's a cute Pokémon, too. To me, it doesn't feel nearly as overrated as some other Pokémon: Lucario, Zard, Gengar... You know, those guys lol

In battle, however, Pikachu has very, very little survivability. Its defenses, no matter how high leveled Pikachu is, are simply horrendous. It's a fast electric mouse and nothing more, lol even holding an Eviolite doesn't help it tank an Earthquake from a Diglett.

I prefer Kantonian Raichu's design more. Alolan Raichu does nothing for me. I don't even know why it needed an Alolan regional variant to begin with... Oh wait, it's because it's related to Pikachu, and yet it's weird that Pikachu didn't get a different form, too. Nor Pichu for that matter.... Why only Raichu? I can only guess that someone in the dev team personally prefers Raichu too.

My favorite Pika-clone of all time is and will always be Dedenne ⚡💖 I remember falling instantly in love with it upon first seeing it. It looks more like a Raichu clone rather than a Pika-clone imo and the fact that it's so small it can literally fit in your pocket. I love it so much 🥰
I prefer Raichu but I can't deny that the original chu has a lot of charm and it still gives me a lot of nostalgia too...
Pikachu is one of those Pokemon where I occasionally like it, but it really depends on it's in game model. It's one of the 3D models that I think is really lifeless (theres a lot of them).

Lowkey sick of it being everywhere though, although I get they need a mascot
I like it. It’s not one of my top favorite Pokemon but I still enjoy using it in the early part of the game.
I like Pikachu but it's not one of my favorites. You see it way too often. Not a fan of most pika clones either, but I like Mimikyu. The most I used a Pikachu was the whole time I played Pokemon Yellow as a sort of challenge because I figured thats how the story goes anyway. Also I used a Raichu on my main team in Lets Go Eevee.
I like Pikachu, but he normally isn't one I go looking for in the grass. I would normally choose a different electric pokemon such as Amphoros or Zebstrika.
I like Eevee better than Pikachu and I am glad to see it in the spotlight more than it use to be. Actually if I remember right they considered having Eevee as the main mascot at one time.
I had to vote neutral because I love fat Pikachu's design but not so much the more recent, thinner Pikachu. I agree that female Pikachu's heart-shaped tail is adorable though, and I love when my friends show me their special hats/outfits Pikachu from Pokémon Go. (❁´◡`❁)