Pixar: Odd-numbered releases vs Even-numbered releases

Which set of Pixar films were better?

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“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
While I already made a Disney thread related to only select WDAS films, I haven?t done a Pixar one, so let?s debate here.

What I noticed was that one set of Pixar movies was better than the other set, which are based on what order they were released. I also noticed that some franchises are exclusive (or almost exclusive) to each set, with Toy Story and Finding Nemo on the odd side and Incredibles and Monsters on the even side. You may not notice this, but I have a question. By average, what set of Pixar films did you like more? The odd-numbered Pixar movies, or the even-numbered Pixar movies.

Odd-numbered Pixar films:

  • Toy Story
  • Toy Story 2
  • Finding Nemo
  • Cars
  • Wall-E
  • Toy Story 3
  • Brave
  • Inside Out
  • Finding Dory
  • Coco
Even-numbered Pixar films:

  • A Bug?s Life
  • Monster?s Inc
  • The Incredibles
  • Ratatouille
  • Up
  • Cars 2
  • Monster?s University
  • The Good Dinosaur
  • Cars 3
  • Incredibles 2
My take:

Based on this interpretation, I think the odd-numbered releases are definitely better than the even ones. While they did a really good job on these movies, I seemed to love the odd-numbered ones more. The only exceptions to the ?odd-even rule? were Brave and Up. I didn?t like Brave as much, and there?s no denying that Up was that good. I even thought Cars 1 was good, while never caring for the Incredibles. Generally, I prefer even numbers ocer odd numbers, but Pixar?s odd releases are better. Toy Story will always be king, and Wall-E is one of the best Pixar movies. Even after their short decline in the early 2010?s, the odd-numbered movies were still better.
Definitely odd numbered releases. It's kind of weird, but the overall quality is noticeably better in my opinion. Plus it has Wall-E which is probably my favorite Pixar movie.
Oh man easily the even movies, A Bug's Life alone takes the cake for me but add on Monster's Inc, Up, The Incredibles and Ratatouille then it's a done deal for me lol. The only exceptions for me would be Finding Nemo and Wall-E. I personally think the Toy Story movies were overrated and was never really able to get into either Inside Our or Coco
Even-numbered releases. Monster’s Inc, Cars, and The Incredibles are all good movies.
I would say even-numbered, but it includes Cars 2 and The Good Dinosaur which is just.... bleh. Though there are a lot of good ones in there (there are very few Pixar movies I dislike).

Plus, Toy Story and the sequel are in the odd-numbered set, so likely that one.
doing a quick plus/minus rating (maximum of 3 + or - possible for any film, nothing given for films I was perfectly neutral or or hadn't seen) came out as

odd:+++++++++++++-- seen 9/10
even: +++++++ seen 5/10

so I guess odd, though it's kinda unfair given the current circumstances of having seen not close to as many as the films on even
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that's such a weird way to divide their movies lol what. i think there are good movies in both catrgories but the even numbered category is a bit worse
Yeah I was going to say. I thought this topic was going to be like your last on where it was old Pixar vs the newer stuff. Except I quickly found out that wasn't the case. I guess it doesn't help that the even number list has quite a bit of the more lackluster titles (for popular opinion) or the sequels which don't always do as well.
all pixar movies are great im not choosing but if i had to id choose odd cos it has wall e lmao
Monsters Inc and Ratatouille alone make me pick even numbered, although it was still difficult to pick since I like Toy Story 2 and Inside Out alot.
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Both seem equal with having one dud, it's interesting though how Cars is the only series that was split with this.