Pixel freebs practice (Reopened)

Heya! I'd love if you considered either or both of my mayors!



Pixels would go perfect with my aesthetic rn xD The ones you've done so far look so cute! Thanks for considering c:
you can do my mayor if you'd like!

eyes are grey-blue though!
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Love if you could do my OC :p

About me.jpg

but with dark brown hair? :)
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Aaah, sorry guys for not posting/drawing for a while, Uni started and I'm kinda busy but will get back as soon as I can!

Technically not my mayor, it's my pocket camp character but I can't make clear referneces for my mayors.
Ohmygod sorry it took so long, Uni started and I've been quite busy. Here it is! Sorry I had to leave out some details on the hat, the hand look so weird everytime I tried drawing it. View attachment 221442

Oh gosh this is super adorable! No need to apologize, thank you so much for drawing him! and I totally understand that, no problem at all! Thank you so much again, he looks lovely in your style!
Oh gosh this is super adorable! No need to apologize, thank you so much for drawing him! and I totally understand that, no problem at all! Thank you so much again, he looks lovely in your style!

So glad you like him! Your chars are all so precious * u * Always fun to draw, ty~
aww these are so cute!! whenever youre able to could you do mine? ;v;
the first ref is my doodle of my mayor! and the 2nd is a screenshot, sorry the quality is kinda bad..

tumblr_phbsdwwE0Q1vqjx53o1_400.jpg tumblr_phbsdwwE0Q1vqjx53o2_400.jpg