⋆ Pixori's RLCs ⋆

Hi @Pixori, I love love love your style(s) and am interested in placing an Order! I have a couple quick questions :]

- I don't want to assume as it's not listed anywhere, are you comfortable working with male characters?
- Do you accept orders for multiple (2x) styles for the same character ? I really love your Dot-eyed cheebs and Pixels styles! Or do you prefer just one order at a time
- Are your DM's open for placing an order?

Thank you!!
Hi @Pixori, I love love love your style(s) and am interested in placing an Order! I have a couple quick questions :]

- I don't want to assume as it's not listed anywhere, are you comfortable working with male characters?
- Do you accept orders for multiple (2x) styles for the same character ? I really love your Dot-eyed cheebs and Pixels styles! Or do you prefer just one order at a time
- Are your DM's open for placing an order?

Thank you!!
Hihi Jacob!! ; v ; Thank you soso much for your interest in my styles, you're so sweet! It makes me happy you like them! > v <
- Yes! I am totally fine with drawing male characters and will definitely send you WIPs during the process! <33
- I accept more than one order as well as have no problem translating that same character into multiple of my art styles! n v n
- DM's are perfectly fine for placing orders!

I appreciate you being thorough and really look forward to hearing from you! ♡
I’m a snails pace artist but my wife and I have emergency bills 😭