Place your random thoughts.

I wanted to stop somewhere on the way home, but they close at 8 PM. I'd only have a few minutes to browse. Hopefully I can just go next week!
holy crap, I'm gonna be able to buy a chest binder through a school counselor's help
it's hitting me now that how something I thought I wouldn't be able to get for a very long while, is finally safely obtainable
Borrowed Canto General by Pablo Neruda from work in Spanish. Kinda surprised how many words/context I get even though I don't get every single one. As opposed when I read parts of it in German... I lost a lot of the latter since I never use it and I listen/read to Spanish more these days so well good for me lol.

(reason I borrowed it was cause I heard Theodorakis' music of it(or, 7 of them)and wanted to read/know more).
Yesterday I was taking a walk and I saw one of my professors drive off very quickly, then it got me thinking how much the school would compensate me if I would have been in front of him and he ran me over, lol.
Wow, it's been almost two years since the end of og DanPlan
I used to be so obsessed with it, still pretty sad over what happened, damn
uh oh I'm hearing bad things about the optimization and stuff of fnaf sb 😥 ill have to see for myself when Markiplier plays it but thats Not promising
thats probably why the game requires 80+ gigabytes of storage space lmao
Finally got around cleaning my old JE stuff. Gonna keep some, give some away to a friend and some just give away to second hand shops or throw away if broke. Felt good, catharsis they say.
a lot of people at my school got corona and of course im close contact but luckily we’re going virtual for the remaining days until christmas + im vaccinated so i don’t have to quarantine. i had to go to this other room for lunch today for the close contact people and there was this kid who kept shouting “i am a positive tester for the covid 19 virus” as a joke. it was so annoying, like that isn’t a joke man