Place your random thoughts.

I don't know if writing character bios is fun or exhausting.
definitely feel this, I have so many OCs lol 😩

it's so weird how I just subconsciously attach myself to certain plushies and don't really care for others I thought i would love. like I'm basically obsessed w this arctic hare plush now, even though if you'd asked me a month ago I would say I've never considered buying it. and likewise, I bought myself a fennec fox plush for my birthday back in June bc I love fennec foxes and I didn't have a plushie of one, but idk I just don't vibe w it. so weird.
One team I would not mess with:
I should be getting ready to go to sleep right now, but I'm still up researching about "old souls". Well, if there's any accuracy to the information that can be found on the internet regarding this topic, then there's a chance that I might just actually be one, since I appear to have most of the alleged characteristics associated with these kinds of individuals.

Also, just seconds before I was going to post the above comment/thought, my mobile device completely froze out of nowhere and would not operate, so I had to reboot it (thankfully, my writing got saved).

That's it, I'm getting out of here.
I should be getting ready to go to sleep right now, but I'm still up researching about "old souls". Well, if there's any accuracy to the information that can be found on the internet regarding this topic, then there's a chance that I might just actually be one, since I appear to have most of the alleged characteristics associated with these kinds of individuals.

Also, just seconds before I was going to post the above comment/thought, my mobile device completely froze out of nowhere and would not operate, so I had to reboot it (thankfully, my writing got saved).

That's it, I'm getting out of here.
Ahh yes, the old souls. I'm one myself. 😊
I really dislike this "cover me in sunshine" or whatever it's named song that Pink does with her daughter or stuff like ugh.
just found out that the arctic fox plush I have that I got off of Amazon a year ago is no longer listed on there. the National Geographic one is still there but the Uni Toys one is gone. and it's prob not easy to get bc it comes from Germany.

I wonder if that means it'll become more rare? 🤔 not that anyone is particularly looking for the Uni Toys brand but it's interesting that I can't find it on Amazon anymore.
*more plushie drama lol*

so I've mentioned before that there's a silver fox plush made by WWF that I really want, and it's basically impossible to find. last I checked it was only available on Amazon Deutschland and it wouldn't ship to the US, and now it's not even available there.

well searching on Amazon US yields one result that's actually a silver fox plush:

I'm hesitant about this one because in the pic its fur looks a little coarse, and it's also in a lying position (I have ocd so I'm very particular about how my stuffed animals should look and feel). but after reading some reviews I think I might be interested, especially since the only other silver fox plush in existence (apparently) is impossible to find. plus it looks enough like an actual silver fox, would be nice to add it to my collection of fox plushies.

only one problem... why is it $54??? I mean I get that it's like 19" long but I have an Aussie plush that's really soft/realistic and it's 17" long and it was only $22. I even saw some reviews that said it would be worth it more so if it were around $30 instead. idk ig I'll think on it, won't have the opportunity to buy it til I get paid again anyways.
I still waiting for Pokémon leaks. Should be any day now but it’s really killing me to keep on waiting.
So, it turns out stink bugs can fly?? lol.
Found out today when there was this huge noisy bug attacking the lightbulb on the fan and me screaming because I was afraid that it was going to fall on me and I couldn't get away. Especially since I had no clue what kind of big bug it was... lol. I made my dogs wig out all concerned because they didn't understand why Iwas freaking out then one of them tried to eat the stink bug when it hit the ground. They immediately regretted it because of its bad taste and spat it out. I got a glass on it then I realized what bug it was 🤦‍♀️ I feel silly now, but you know, that was one angry stink bug. He was ready to fight the glass. I got him outside.
i don't know if i like this feeling or if i hate it. maybe i'm just afraid of it? i love to feel this feeling, of happiness... but i can't. it's too good to be true!
I completely agree w/ this lady:
Gatekeeping sucks.