Place your random thoughts.

squidboards js so dead .... There are bots literally everywhere the mods r not doing their job and hardly anyone is active its rlly sad TBH
Yeah, I took a closer look. I saw some things I didn’t want to see, and I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. And for those reading this post, just don’t go on that site because you’ll come across things you’ll wish you hadn’t seen. It’s sad how inactive it is. I’m glad TBT is still relatively active for a forum, and I think it’s thanks to those events.
I once looked around for a Kirby forum and the best one I could find had a post saying something about how the mods weren't around and apparently that meant newbies didn't get posting permission.
So, I did not join.
I would say get an OG switch if you already have a switch lite, I have the OG and it's really nice to be able to play it on a tv as well as on the go if need be.
Yeah I basically only play handheld and/or on the go so honestly I don't care for playing on the TV, however if I were about to get drift again and/or just having it bigger and better battery would be nice. And yeah I would probably just play an OG one handheld so wonder if it's worth?
Yeah I basically only play handheld and/or on the go so honestly I don't care for playing on the TV, however if I were about to get drift again and/or just having it bigger and better battery would be nice. And yeah I would probably just play an OG one handheld so wonder if it's worth?
well one thing I like about the og is when I have mine connected to the TV I can use the pro controller which never has drift issues (my left joycon also has bad drift and it gets annoying a lot). idk if a pro controller can be connected to a switch lite.

also if you get the og and you do get drift again you can send in just the joycon for repair instead of the entire console lol.
well one thing I like about the og is when I have mine connected to the TV I can use the pro controller which never has drift issues (my left joycon also has bad drift and it gets annoying a lot). idk if a pro controller can be connected to a switch lite.

also if you get the og and you do get drift again you can send in just the joycon for repair instead of the entire console lol.
Yeah, it's probably nice to have it to the TV if you do like it that way but I basically only play handheld whether it be at home or on the go etc. Me neither tbh lol.

Yeah that's one aspect I'm definitely weighing a lot on, and Nintendo is really crappy here so I doubt they'll fix it anyway so imo here you'd better be off just buying a new pair.
Got a Shiny Giratina after 326 encounters in UltraSun. Funny story actually. So I took a break. Had supper and stuff. Finally when back and next encounter was literally shiny. Even crazier, I totally forgot False Swipe doesn’t affect ghost types so I had nothing to safety lower it’s health. I was like “frick, I might be here awhile.” I did the leppa berry strat so I had infinite pp and use a Roto Catch plus I have hundreds of Dive Balls, the ball I want it in, so I was ok will going until I finally catch it. So I was welp, spore it and see what happens. First ball. Critical Capture. Caught it.
B r u h.
totally random 2am can't -get-back-to-sleep thought, but what if i went and worked at the local bowling alley? I would prob enjoy that, I always liked bowling alleys even if they tend to be noisy.
Where's the reset button when you need one? I could probably just press delete and start over making sure that nothing is carrying over.
i'm big sad bc I ordered this silver fox plush on Saturday, and apparently the Douglas toy company does not process orders on weekends or national holidays, and whooptee doo, today just happens to be MLK Day. so my order won't get processed til tomorrow and then I'll have to wait about another week before it gets here :,,,,,,,,(

absolutely not complaining about MLK Day though, that man deserves a day of his own for sure.
i'm big sad bc I ordered this silver fox plush on Saturday, and apparently the Douglas toy company does not process orders on weekends or national holidays, and whooptee doo, today just happens to be MLK Day. so my order won't get processed til tomorrow and then I'll have to wait about another week before it gets here :,,,,,,,,(

absolutely not complaining about MLK Day though, that man deserves a day of his own for sure.
I feel ya, it's the same when I order from the UK and I forget all those damn bank holidays and whatnot it's like bruh...
people who write the word "defiantly" when they mean "definitely" irritate me so much lol

like instead of saying "I will definitely call you later" they say "I will defiantly call you later" like bruh do you even know what tf "defiantly" means??
This or they just know how definitely is actually spelled but they still keep making the same **** jesus lol.

Also people who write like compleatly instead of completely lol like wtf bruh