Place your random thoughts.

A new indie game from my favorite developer team is coming out in three days… This is really hard on my wallet.
Lmao, I love when I'm scrolling up and I happen to hit "report" accidentally on one of my posts. What reason would I have for reporting myself? 😂

EDIT: I mean, aside from asking for a thread to be closed, come on, that one is obvious. :rolleyes:
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Lmao, I love when I'm scrolling up and I happen to hit "report" accidentally on one of my posts. What reason would I have for reporting myself? 😂

EDIT: I mean, aside from asking for a thread to be closed, come on, that one is obvious. :rolleyes:
Happens to me all the time on neopets, but they also made the report button very large and red/white so 😂
Unless it's not obvious at first sight in the video thumbnail, STOP PUTTING ARROWS AND CIRCLES IN THEM! It's so annoying as if they don't know people have eyes.
I'm really sorry but I had to do this 😂

but yeah I def agree with you, they're the essence of clickbait videos lol
If there is anything I learned given what happened to me in the last few weeks is to learn from your mistakes and improve on it. Its always best to prevent a bad thing that could happen to your body.

Your Health is very important and if you don't take good care of it bad things will happen and it could really mess you up. Always take good care of your body and beware of your symptoms if something goes wrong.
there's a guy on Twitter who goes by Gladybot and they've made some hella cool stuff related to Super Mario 64 but I especially love these renders of Lethal Lava Land and Shifting Sand Land <3
I'm not even gonna lie I thought the Lava Land one was real at first, until I remembered that Blargg and whatever that round enemy is called (looked it up, the game's files dub it as "Motos") never appeared in the final game. still totally rad!

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I pulled the laundry outta the wash and the soap pod didn't break down at all. It was perfectly intact. I wasn't sure if I should rewash the clothes so I just threw them in the drier. We shall see if they smell clean afterwards..
I pulled the laundry outta the wash and the soap pod didn't break down at all. It was perfectly intact. I wasn't sure if I should rewash the clothes so I just threw them in the drier. We shall see if they smell clean afterwards..

Any updates on your clothing adventure oak o:
Any updates on your clothing adventure oak o:
The clothes smell like the laundry soap and are soft yet the pod didn't dissolve? Maybe I accidently put 2 pods in but we will never know cause my short term memory is terrible lmao.
Zipper T Bunny is outside my front lawn...
I'm being attacked by eggs that keep spawning...
I have to study but I keep procrastinating as usual. I can't and won't stop. This is probably because everything turns out just fine in the end and I have yet to face any consequences.