Place your random thoughts.

I was taught how to fix fried chicken when I was 7 years old, which is totally useless nowadays...because I hate fried chicken.
But will eat things like popcorn chicken.
I sometimes kind of miss the personals section from Craigslist. No, I never posted anything on there and neither did I ever have any desire of meeting up with anyone posting there, but it was kind of amusing reading strangers' twisted fantasies.
I'm not a big fan of Minimal/Dub Techno, but I guess some of it can be relaxing. Decent music to have in the background as you do other stuff.
I usually change my avatar like once a month or so but I'm still very much attached to this one lol 🥰
I just remembered this blog I posted like 5 years ago, a list of my favorite Super Mario enemies. still prob one of my favorite things I've posted on here lol

(it's also still very much true to how I feel today, though now I might bump mr thwompo up just a bit lol)
I really like how when you listen to Song of Storms, it gets louder/quieter from one side of your headphones to another. :) I think it's made like that to create the illusion that the song is spinning around like the windmill. (Not really sure how else to explain this, but I think it's very cool.)

I wonder if cake batter tastes bitter on purpose to ensure that people don't eat it. Y'know, in order to prevent getting a bacteria whose name is a mix of a fish and a certain chocolate spread. Ah well, that sure ain't stoppin' me. >:]
I know people always tell me "Don't be so hard on yourself" but I have every right to be. I always gaslight myself into thinking I've done something wrong and I make sure to correct it. All my life I've always been told that I have done something bad and its one of the reasons I have a spoiled mindset. I take things seriously to make sure it doesn't happen again. I swear I feel like I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to not trying to screw things up.
Why did my signature just break?
It was fine all day it literally just broke right now :/
try using the link I gave you recently :)

I wonder if anyone has invented a type of basket that keeps your clothes hot out of the dryer so they don't cool off and wrinkle before you have time to fold them? I'm terribly slow when it comes to folding clothes and they always seem to cool off and wrinkle before I can get to all of them 😔
The times of day when I'm most active on the forum is when everyone else is busy or asleep, so my icon is just at the side of every board with the most recent posts.
*cries in GMT timezones*

But yeah big mood especially on weekends/holidays when i'm off...