Place your random thoughts.

Recently got all the chaos emeralds on Sonic 3 & Knuckles. However, will I be able to get all the super emeralds? I've done it many times before, so probably. Just gotta wait until I get to Mushroom Hill Zone(currently on Ice Cap Zone).
Also the weights don't make any sense either, I think its pokemon that made me not understand proper weights for animals and such because the weights for pokemon don't make any sense
I feel like all the smaller pokemon are a lot heavier then they should be and the bigger pokemon are a lot lighter then they should be
So... Eternataus is freaking 65 and a half feet tall but Gamefreak your saying it only weights about a ton? Like it's the size of a four-story building and it weighs less then a hippo? What is the logic behind that?
Darumaka is only 2 feet which is like I don't know... really short but yet it's 82 pounds? What is it's body even made of why's it so heavy for a two foot tall thing? :unsure:
Also- The pokemon with avian-like designs which are usually flying type never made sense to me, I don't know it's just pokemon bird sizes are kind of ridiculous they don't really look very big in the games or anime but depending on the pokemon the bird pokemon are usually 60-80+ pounds and 3"11-5+ feet tall for most species 😵‍💫
I haven't even bothered to look at the weights much. I feel like there isn't much logic to the heights/weights given to Pokémon.. I guess it would take too much time to try to figure out realistic measurements for every single Pokémon 😝

Edit: The songs just keep getting better, 'cause guess what's playing right now? EYE OF THE TIGER!
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I think that FNF covers that have Whitty and Tabi singing together sounds so cool.
I made it so that it would go to the preferred time so you don't have to watch the whole thing.
Hint: Whitty is the bomb, and Tabi is the floating goat skull.

For some reason I remember being in like 1st grade and seeing two kids in the bathroom trying to summon Bloody Mary with the lights off. I was too young to understand what they were doing so I minded my business and left.
Out of all the Poofesure quotes I have jotted down, only one is age-appropriate. I think it's just me deciding what stuff to write down, and it's usually something suggestive and/or something with an F-bomb. 🤷
im always reminded of the short story writing last year and how i didnt have enough time to put effort in my work 😭 now im itching to rewrite what i wrote bc the only thing i know how to do is make pretty little narratives i guess

She had probably been nine years old during the incident, the first and only occurrence. An accident, if there was a better term for it, because that's all it was. However, repentance would not change one's fate inscribed in the stars, and if anything, it had been both a blessing and a curse in disguise. From that moment, the calmness of her sea in which she viewed the stars brewed a storm overnight, the turbulent ripples sullying the reflection of her constellation.
^that's like better than anything i could like that omg.

also i hate waking up early on weekend it's not that i need to do stuff sans cleaning up today so ? lol
More of a bother but since it got closed yet again here we go. Also probably a pet peeves but I explicitly left my cousin a message so hope she can callback cause I need to talk about the RSVP thing now...
Watermelon so I can be like Keroppi in my profile picture 🐸
it's already may tomorrow 😳
Guess you could say

My dad called me a vampire and I got a bit mad about it, but I think he was joking. Must be because I stay inside all day in my room with my curtains closed. But then again, yesterday I called myself a hermit. 🤷

I thought my brother was watching Poofesure, but I think it's actually PePanga or whatever his name is. How did I possibly mix them up, they're like two completely different YouTubers. 😭
I found a few memes that made me laugh, but they wouldn't be allowed on here simply because they had some swearing in them.