Also the weights don't make any sense either, I think its pokemon that made me not understand proper weights for animals and such because the weights for pokemon don't make any sense
I feel like all the smaller pokemon are a lot heavier then they should be and the bigger pokemon are a lot lighter then they should be
So... Eternataus is freaking 65 and a half feet tall but Gamefreak your saying it only weights about a ton? Like it's the size of a four-story building and it weighs less then a hippo? What is the logic behind that?
Darumaka is only 2 feet which is like I don't know... really short but yet it's 82 pounds? What is it's body even made of why's it so heavy for a two foot tall thing?

Also- The pokemon with avian-like designs which are usually flying type never made sense to me, I don't know it's just pokemon bird sizes are kind of ridiculous they don't really look very big in the games or anime but depending on the pokemon the bird pokemon are usually 60-80+ pounds and 3"11-5+ feet tall for most species