Place your random thoughts.

My dog was sitting on my legs for atleast like 2 hours straight and my legs were kinda going numb so I had to move them. Then she laid on my one leg for maybe another 2 hours straight. Eventually I got up cause I have to go eat lunch and my foot was so numb that my ankle kept rolling when I tried to walk😅

She didn't want to get up either. I wonder how long she would have stayed on me had I not got up.
If you mistreat kids in anyway, that includes spanking and screaming at them, you are straight trash
Eating cherries at the moment, just noticed how the juice that comes out of a freshly bitten cherry looks like blood and I find that really cute 🍒 also 65,000 cherry pits contain enough cyanide to kill a person should they consume so many in one sitting.
I wonder why grapefruit is part of so many diets, like a lot of people can't have that cause the pill or other meds... weird.
I finally got my stylus tips after the store was ghosting me and..... they are the wrong ones pain
I have an appointment tomorrow to see my diabetic doctor. I've been concerned about my blood sugar levels being higher than 120 in the mornings but it becomes stable during Afternoon and Evening.
My favorite part about Tomodachi Life is probably the songs, despite only being 8 genres (which is actually pretty good compared to only 6 genres in the Japanese version) and limited space for lyrics, you can still do so much. This is also where I like to do my, uh... Censor bypassing.
Some of the ones I created include "Hating Things", "Sports Pros", "Reach for the Bleach!" (not even gonna mention the lyrics but the title makes me chuckle), and "Screw You Charlie". (The last one I wrote and made Nick sing when he confessed to my look-alike and they rejected him, I was pretty upset about it. 😅)
I have an appointment tomorrow to see my diabetic doctor. I've been concerned about my blood sugar levels being higher than 120 in the mornings but it becomes stable during Afternoon and Evening.
You got this! You've been keeping up with your health and actively choosing better choices.

I finally got my stylus tips after the store was ghosting me and..... they are the wrong ones pain
Is this an online store like Etsy? Whether it's them, Ebay, Amazon, ect file the order as not as described. You might get lucky and not have to even send it back.

@ZeldaCrossing64 Very nice! I have that game to. It's super unforgiving if you adjust the time in any way. I think I once changed the time because it was off a few minutes/hour or for daylight savings and it punished me with a full week penalty lol.
Oh I wasn't telling you to skip on your visits. You're doing the right thing. I was just saying you taking an active approach is great.
Sorry its just that I'm researching all day to figure out what is going on so that is why I am seeing the doctor tomorrow.
sometimes I really wish I could take my computer and drawing tablet into the living room so I can work on stuff out there. I wonder if I can get CSP on my laptop under the same license that's on my desktop?
It's crazy how much free time I have this morning. And too bad I only have 10 minutes left.

Also, Link and Lucia had a fight in my Tomodachi Life game and failed to resolve it, so now they're not friends anymore. Oops. 😂