Place your random thoughts.

i recently have been working on pone stuff for friends and the hate ive undergone, really kinda sucks. (example
) every public server, "haha f-slur brony!" thanks vrchat, they warned me for false reports and those people arent banned!

i've been getting stalked in public servers, ffs just to get made fun of.

the slurs people can utter and get away with, so stupid.
I had to pay $3.29 for a small box of Blueberries from my local store named Kroger (I'm from America) this is just getting more and more ridiculous with this inflation.
I love Kroger, some amazing food! But yeah, this inflation is insane.

I'm promising myself to pull myself out of this negativity and rut.
I miss my partner like crazy. I just want a place with him already.
meeko (the new kitten) is watching the newest poofesure video. gotta start em early 😁

oh **** she found my food lmao rip
What did Meeko think of the video? 😆 I didn't get to watch it yet (this morning I watched one of his Swordplay Showdown videos), but I bet it was good.

I can't believe I started my fic with a System of a Down reference. 😭 "Such a lonely day, and it's mine."
Gas is $6.70 now?!?
yeah it's $5.09 here, only a few months ago it was closer to $3.50 and it's only gonna get higher. it really sucks and makes me more frustrated that I don't have a job yet so my parents have to pay for my gas :////

What did Meeko think of the video? 😆 I didn't get to watch it yet (this morning I watched one of his Swordplay Showdown videos), but I bet it was good.
oh dude it's hilarious, he's so bad at kayaking I couldn't stop laughing 🤣🤣
the baby seemed to enjoy it as well, she was being her crazy self as usual!
I wonder if the show Sonic Boom is good at all lol, been interested in watching some new cartoons 🤔
Gas is $6.70 now?!?
Not only is gas getting higher, but apparently the regular gas (not premium) is or will have something like 15% ethanol added to it to cut back on fuel prices. Which is fine for regular cars, but stuff like lawnmowers and your tools like weedwhackers, blowers, chainsaws can't handle that. They will burn up.

My neighbor got some gas the other day and his smaller engine stuff wouldn't run with it and he had to drain all of it. Might be something to take note of, just in case this is true.
oh dude it's hilarious, he's so bad at kayaking I couldn't stop laughing 🤣🤣
the baby seemed to enjoy it as well, she was being her crazy self as usual!
I watched the video (plus Poofesure's livestream) earlier, made my day so much better. :lemon:

So my dog is pregnant and is due to have puppies soon. And I'm tellin' ya, this dog is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis round...
Wow, Code;Realize has a ton of good twists. I was expecting a light, fun slice of life otome game when I started, but in actuality it’s a really solid mystery story.
This train is sold out and everyone moved to the observation car to avoid having someone sit next to them. I’m glad I came to the observation car to claim a seat before that filled up, too.
I made a Poofesure reference in my fic and I love it. 😭
"I didn't like the idea of Nick dating someone that wasn't me, especially Abby. In my opinion, she'd be better off with a hamburger humanoid wearing a business suit and cat ears."
Decided to borrow my siblings piano to play songs from sheet music. I thought it'd be easy since I played the flute in high school. Oh how wrong I was. Flutes don't play the bass staff and don't play far below the staff. So now instead of playing Minecraft on the piano I'm too busy relearning those and counting to see if I'm playing the right notes.
I had some time to think and reminiscense... About my Animal Jam days. And I thought to myself: "Why did I stop playing? What went wrong?" And I've got so many answers to those questions. XD
  • I was literally addicted to that game, I'd play at every chance I got
  • I spent over $100 on that game (at a pretty young age)
  • Me doing bad things, like scamming people and hacking my ex-best friend's account
  • Getting tons of warnings, punishments, and suspensions from AJHQ
  • The players caring more about trading than everything else the game has to offer
  • Conflits with my online friends
  • Getting scammed and bullied by other players... A lot
  • Probably a bunch of other stuff that I can't think of at the top of my head
I kinda wanna log into my old account and see what the Animal Jam is like nowadays. (Probably a lot worse than it was last time I checked...) But I'm not thinking of getting back into AJ. Been there, done that.