Place your random thoughts.

I had this idea to draw all the Wii Sports champions, and then I realized that Matt is the champion of two sports (boxing and swordplay). Do I draw two different Matts, or do I draw one Matt with either his boxing or swordplay gear? Or do I somehow draw both? I can't decide. 😭
I had this idea to draw all the Wii Sports champions, and then I realized that Matt is the champion of two sports (boxing and swordplay). Do I draw two different Matts, or do I draw one Matt with either his boxing or swordplay gear? Or do I somehow draw both? I can't decide. 😭
Why not both? Do half on his right side and the other half on his left side?
I was playing Mario Party 3 earlier and one of the mini games had instructions that mentioned "he or she" and without missing a beat I was like "bold of you to assume I use either of those pronouns, waluigi is a non-binary icon" 😌
I discovered that I can add more fonts to my e-reader. The default several fonts are fine, but this really opens things up. I'm tempted to try a pixel font just for fun.
earlier I couldn't go to sleep bc I was confused by the fact that some people seem to obsess over trans-men/trans-masc people who are feminine but once they start to do HRT suddenly no one cares abt them (which I think is super messed up) so as I was dozing off I suddenly got a drawing idea and I quickly drew it on my phone:

in case yall can't read my awful fingertip handwriting, basically if you're a trans guy and feminine? valid. but if you're a trans guy and masculine? also super valid and worthy of love <333

(also don't ask why I drew ponies lmao... been hanging around @/Shiny Shiny Engine too much 🤣🤣)
Okay I’m going to try the “do things out of bed until you’re sleepy” method instead of reading in bed. I’ve heard it’s a better way of going to sleep, so I’ll do it tonight.
VanitasFan20 (and I guess TurnipBell20) are both gone :<<<<<

also I haven't done any plastic canvas stuff in a while and I'm remembering now just how long this stuff takes to put together lol rip
What noooooo :(

Also the fact woke-ness people are moving to neopets cause they can like... go back to tumblr lmao.
Chick Little is an underrated movie
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VanitasFan20 (and I guess TurnipBell20) are both gone :<<<<<

also I haven't done any plastic canvas stuff in a while and I'm remembering now just how long this stuff takes to put together lol rip
It’s a shane. The former was relatable ;-;
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Stardew Valley is out of stock on the Nintendo eShop... could this day get any crappier! 🙄

EDIT: Never mind I jumped the gun on that one. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I just saw the strangest article online, and it's about Wii Sports CPU Miis. It's basically the writer ranking 20 CPU Miis based on how attractive they find them. Elisa was 20th (last), but... She's on the list, that's all I have to say. My question is why Greg and Silke were ranked so high up. 😭
Screenshot 2022-06-18 08.53.17.png
Next month..... something that I have waited many years for will come in the mail.... Its nothing actually important like family stuff lol its just some Splatoon Amiibos. AUGIAHUGHPAIDGHAIGHAPD IM SO EXCITED CALLIE CALLIE CALLIE CALLIE CALLIE CALLIE YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAFAUIFGDUAIGAUFGADOUFIGADF7ADBIF AYDGGGGGFP
Man so many good pokestops around certain places here, wish we could keep more than 20 gifts :(
I've no idea what random plants and fishing equipment has to do with Tackey & Tsubasa, but sure lmao
I don't particularly miss my childhood much, but I do miss when I didn't care about specs or resolution. I just played games and enjoyed them. To me games like Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Mario Kart 8 were mind blowing visually. I never would've guessed those games were 480p and 720p on their original consoles. Those games still look great, but the resolution distracts me now.
Apparently, due to climate change, it's getting too hot to grow tomatoes here. So get ready for things like ketchup, sriracha sauce, and other tomato products to be sparse, lol.