Place your random thoughts.

just think about this: i will be legally allowed to order myself a pillow pet next year without my parents permission, that surely must be the peak of adulthood.

thomas pillow pet
should i buy population growing? 🤔 i have a backwards compatible wii and i've always wanted to play it but the game will cost 54 dollars plus another 12 bc of the gamecube controller.
should i buy population growing? 🤔 i have a backwards compatible wii and i've always wanted to play it but the game will cost 54 dollars plus another 12 bc of the gamecube controller.
You should if it looks interesting! Just keep a look out for a good deal! You will eventually find one! If you dont like mean villagers then.... dont play it. I hate how mean the villagers are but the game is fun to play and I still play all of my AC games so yeah! try it if you can!
my dog was tryna chew on a crushed 2 liter bottle so I took it and I shook it at him saying 👏DAS👏IST👏KEIN👏SPIEL👏ZEUG👏 and he just looked at me like "k gotdang bro 😳😳😳" it was great

(also that's a German phrase meaning "that's not a toy" I always say that when he's trying to play w something besides his toys lol)

edit: also also my kitten ate an ant earlier so that was wild
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you know what i need to get me one of these things:

imagine online gaming with your friends and all they have is terrible laptops and uncomfortable chairs but you have THAT ^
wish i have the powers of staying up and never have to sleep
Agreed. I can stay up late, but I wish I didn’t have to sleep. It’d be so nice to have extra time for productivity or entertainment.
Agreed. I can stay up late, but I wish I didn’t have to sleep. It’d be so nice to have extra time for productivity or entertainment.
longest time i stayed up was from 6 30 am all way to 5 am playing halo with my brother and Terraria. And i never took a nap to store rest of the energy i used. Lovely