I honestly don't see why the Wii U is so hated. I don't have one, but it seems like it's a good console.-snip-
Yeah Switch Online is such a cash grab...... Links Awakening is soo cute! I LOVE my Wii U and always will since I have loved it when I got it as a little child but I STILL LOVE IT. My switch is only used for 4 games and thats really the only games I play frequently, its a great concept though. I do love what they did with Pikmin 3 DX. I will always like the Wii U one better because I love the touch controls but it has a surprisingly good control scheme on switch and the extras they added ARE JUST PURE perfection. I feel like if the Wii U had a better launch lineup and released the good games faster it would have been INSANELY good. Something I never knew about when I was little until recently was the whole Club Nintendo thing. I saw the ads in my game boxes all the time but it never clicked.... I COULD HAVE GOTTEN LIKE 1 TRILLION DIFFERENT THINGS WITH HOW MANY GAMES I HAVE FOR WII U AND 3DSI honestly don't see why the Wii U is so hated. I don't have one, but it seems like it's a good console.
One time I asked my dad if I can have a Wii U, and he asks me why. I tell him about the games I want to play that's exclusive so that console; Wii Party U, Wii Sports Club, Wind Waker HD (the one Zelda game I really want to play), etc. And he replied with: "But why? They'll probably be ported to the Switch." Excuse me??
Yeah, the Switch is cool, but my biggest gripe is that the games are so pricey. I spent almost $100 (Canadian) on AC:NH, and it's one of the few Switch games I play, the others being Breath of the Wild and Link's Awakening. Nowadays I use my Wii and 3DS a lot, so my Switch Lite is practically obsolete. And I'm not even gonna mention the NSO...
the wii u was so good, the only thing i didn’t like about it is the game pad which feels cheap imo. i may be bold by saying this but the wii u is on par with the wii or even better, the only reason why i play the wii over the wii u is because it’s not backwards compatible with gamecube games and i don’t have space for the game pad.This is just something dumb I have been thinking about! I always know about how many games get ported to switch and thats great and all but I sometimes get confused when people get super excited about it?? But you know thats all fine because people can enjoy them for the first time but what actually confuses me is how all the people that say that they hate the wii u or that it was trash or just go along with the crowd and say its bad when literally all they ask for is ports of Wii U games or ports of ports on the Wii U. Its confuzzling. Everyone's always asking for the games and even after 90% is on the switch people still say "Xenoblade X! Twilight Princess HD! Windwaker HD! Pushmo!" and I think to myself like.... Why do you complain so so so much about how "trash" the Wii U is when all of your switch games are Wii U games and all the games you want to go to the switch are Wii U games.... Just.. idk get a wii u instead if you only ever play the games on them. It feels like people just say the Wii U is bad because everyone else does. It has great games and is byfar to me a much better system then switch but at the same time it took Wii U quite a long time to get really good games but by then most everyone kinda stopped caringother than child me who was living playing Splatoon amiibo festival Pokken Tournament and Mario Kart. I also loved like every game on the Wii U but like you know its not that hard to please a 3 - 11 year old for like 8 years.
I relate to this on a spiritual level. The few times I play minecraft I turn my sound off because its scares mesome of the minecraft music freaks me out