Place your random thoughts.

i honestly don’t know why people have like 5 different covers on their bed. call me lazy but just slap a blanket on my bed and i’ll be fine, the cold helps me sleep anyway.
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One thing that made me happy is my friend lost weight and I know she has been trying. I’m so happy for her. She lost 30 pounds.
Okay, but how do you pronounce Deirdre? Is it "Deer-dre" or is it "Dare-dre"? I've been saying the latter for years now.
Okay, but how do you pronounce Deirdre? Is it "Deer-dre" or is it "Dare-dre"? I've been saying the latter for years now.
it's "deer-dre" :)

I'm surprised how much German language knowledge I've retained considering I haven't actively studied it since I graduated. I really want to start studying it again but idk how to do it alone lol.
Talking about german, I love when people pronounce "ei" as "ee" or something. Like bro stop, lol.

My SD card came yesterday, I'm so happy to have most of my games back. :love: 😭
The lack of actual communication with some people I've encountered on Neopets amuses me. Like, i understand you might feel bad, sleepy, busy or whatever but if you can't give me some sort of answer that's like, not gonna get you anywhere.
I can't believe I've resorted to looking at a portable a/c units on Amazon (and added one to my basket) to combat this hot weather.
i hate spaghetti so so much, it’s my least favorite food in the entire world. it’s so bland and flavorless, the texture is disgusting, and the tomato sauce doesn’t help at all. i don’t understand why people like it so much.
My extremely old (outdated) Android tablet decided to work again.
Back to the storage where it belongs now lol.
