Place your random thoughts.

Found this video and I thought: "Wait, is this really the thing? This song sounds familiar..." Turns out it's a Friday Night Funkin' song, the heck. 😭 I think it's an edit, though.
Found this video and I thought: "Wait, is this really the thing? This song sounds familiar..." Turns out it's a Friday Night Funkin' song, the heck. 😭 I think it's an edit, though.
dude that's the classic SiIvaGunner move 🤣

personally I like what he did with Only Me and Kakariko Village, I was so confused the first time I heard these lmao
Over the past several years I developed a habit of switching back and forth between a dozen games at a time and barely finishing any of them. Focusing on just two games at a time makes playing them much more manageable. For once I feel like I’m making meaningful process while spending time on this hobby.
I’m going to sleep now so I don’t wake up super late tomorrow. I have a tendency to wake up real late on my days off and my sleep schedule goes whack. Not this week.
I joined back in 2013 and I didn’t even become active until 2020.
Hah yeah...when I joined I think it was mostly to do some trades. I didn't really stick around until during NH's launch.
Based off the last few posts, I thought this was the “what are you listening to” thread.
For real lol I had to do read the title again.

I think of this scene from Atlantis once in a long while and it makes me laugh every time, prob the best part of the whole movie 😂

I remember that movie! And there was another guy who was scared of soap bars or something lol. I remember that scene pretty well to lol.
Can I just brag that I got today’s wordle on the second line from a single letter???
I’ve been thinking about and googling bugs lately lol
debating on whether or not i should get back into new horizons or not, i love new leaf but it’s kind of lonely. i love how active the new horizons community is on here, i kind of hate my island but at the same time i don’t want to restart because i’ve never had an island for more than a year.
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So LEGO made Technic, a LEGO Theme that, like the name implies, is more technical than normal LEGO set. It allowed for gear functions and mechanics in a set so you can have moving parts and done so by just turning a nob. Common sets where vehicle based sets, especially construction or any vehicle with special mechanisms. The Theme became very popular.

Eventually they expanded the Theme into a fantasy type realm with robot characters and a simple story. Throw Bots and Roboriders were somewhat successful but the story didn’t grab people very much. So LEGO made a new series with a more complete story.

In 2001 Bionicle was first released, still under the Technic Theme name. Because of this, the first few years of Bionicle had gear functions manly used to have them attack. It was actually pretty neat because you can use the attack function to knock an opponents mask off and win. The mask were definitely one the coolest parts. The series started with collecting masks and there were A LOT of them and alt colours to collect. Even really rare ones only in Randomized Bags.

Few years later they started abandoning the mask knocking off mechanic and eventually replaced gear mechanisms for gimmicks like light up eyes or swords. The first change caused the collecting gimmick to switch to Disks, was was still interesting, they were fun to shoot with the launcher and had codes on them plus they glow in the dark. Also they changed the shading of the Toa’s (main heros) colours for some reason. Heck the Toa of Stone was very inconsistent. Eventually became yellow for some reason.

The last few years of Bionicle it started to go down hill story wise, mainly compared to the first few years. And then LEGO done goofed.

The lime green pieces were made incorrectly so they had micro bubble in the plastic causing ball socket pieces to break. To make up for this they redesigned the ball socket piece, which actually made them BREAK MORE than the original design. Like my goodness I have so many broken pieces because LEGO made a stupid decision and didn’t even quality check the design. I don’t know even know how that was even possible.

Anyways they knew Bionicle was toast now because off their mistake. And ended it real quick

After that they made Hero Factory, which was more of a boring and less dark story version of Bionicle. No one dies in Hero Factory. Lame I know. They did eventually fix the ball socket pieces with a new Technic system. I forget the name but I call it the skeleton system. Basically it’s a simple skeleton you make and then add armor to the skeleton to make a figure. It’s pretty fun but the main issue I had was it was very creativity limiting compared to the old system. Also people mentioned that it
Wasn’t nearly as compatible to standard LEGO pieces so that might have affected sales.

After Hero Factory they rebooted Bionicle. They figured it was popular the first time, why not try it again? It failed miserably.

The series was ridiculously simplified compared to the original series (they should have learned from Throw Bots that it doesn’t work), and from old fans, it came as an insult because it was very soulless and nothing to look up and learn about the world. It just was you see is what you get. Also the promo videos was absolute garbage and very cheap. The original series had realistic animations and made the Bionicles feel reall. Gen 2 just gave us wonky 2D animations with one guy voicing all characters, even the female toa.
Also the designs were too much and not as simple and coherent as the originals.

After LEGO ended Bionicle G2 they have not since made any Technic figures of any kind. Not even Star Wars.

It is said LEGO decided that they were no longer marketable. Kids just don’t want large figures anymore. But they are WRONG. Kids and adults want figures but they need to be 1. Well deigned and 2. Have an actually engaging and interesting story. They apparently didn’t learn that and now we have nothing but the pieces from the past to give us that old feeling we used to have.

TL DR - LEGO made Bionicle which was super successful. Messed up and retired it. Made new Themes that weren’t as good and now they no longer makes technic figures because they don’t see their mistake.
CVS needs to fill my script already, I need my anxiety med. :/
Wii Party is actually less infuriating than Wii Sports, or maybe it's just that I've been playing on Standard (aka the second-easiest) difficulty the whole time. I mostly did that so I can play against one of my favorite Miis (Nick). It required a ton of restarting, but it was totally worth it.

This also happened while I was playing Globe Trot and I thought it was pretty funny.
I'm curious as to what people think of this gift pic my friend did for me:
I just avoided an Ebay scam. I’m happy that I looked at the username and had the knowledge to avoid something like that.
I've thrown/hit my Wii Remote more while playing Table Tennis than in Swordplay Showdown (Wii Sports Resort), which I honestly find pretty surprising.