Place your random thoughts.

Craigslist would be a lot better if it had a built-in notifications system of some sort. Last year I put up an old SNES game for sale, and I had an interested buyer within two weeks of me posting the ad, but I didn't know at the time that you are supposed to directly check your email account (first time selling on that seemingly outdated website). When I finally did check that email account (which I specifically created just for Craigslist), three months had already gone by. I've since put up the same game for sale twice, and absolutely nothing in terms of potential buyers. I'm probably better off selling on eBay or other similar websites, but right now I'm only interested in selling locally (and just getting physical cash in exchange for my items).
Elisa didn't have a best friend for the longest time in Tomodachi Life (like two or three months, basically when she first moved in), so I add Sarah (her partner in Wii Sports tennis) so they can hopefully befriend each other. But of course when I do that, all of a sudden Elisa becomes best friends with LucĆ­a?
I can't delete either of them because they're pretty important islanders, so my only hope is for them to stop being best friends (which is a possible outcome that I've only seen three times... With the same Mii). But then again, it kinda makes sense - One is the champion of tennis, and the other is the champion of table tennis.
LOL BRUH, I clicked on a playlist on YouTube to listen to, and I didn't know my volume was turned up all the way. Well there's an ad, and in the ad this guy takes a bite out of a bar and says "MMMMMMM" real loudly. It must have sounded like I was in the bathroom to anyone else that's here. Thanks, YouTube ads. šŸ’€
Okay hopefully I actually set my Clockus I got from IKEA to the right time and alarm thingy. I've been using it on the temperature setting ever since I got it, I forget the Clockus is an actual clock. And it has an alarm. And a timer.

As of recently my phone no longer sets the alarm off, even thou the alarm is set. It says I snoozed it, which is a damn lie cause it never went off. When I go to change it, it goes to a black screen. Not normal. Not good. I've literally been trusting my body to wake me up as my 'new alarm' for work. Hopefully tomorrow my clock thingy will go off at the correct time and with my new phone coming soon, I won't have to rely on my internal body clock waking me up.

Which it has been. What was a major annoynace for YEARS, like literally all the years I've had to set alarms for school and now work, which is like 10+ years, waking up anywhere from 5-20 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off, has finally worked in my favour for 2 days. Hopefully I will no longer have to rely on my 'body clock' and the IKEA Clockus will work. My body will still wake up before my alarm goes off, which is incredibly annoying esp with my sleep issues, but whatever. Unless I start hardcore taking sleep meds or somethin I'm just going to be a restless sleeper forever.
Whelp Iā€™m going to start taking medication for A.D.H.D. in the morning. Guess Iā€™ll have to see if improves my attention span or not.
Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 5.40.01 PM.png

Avoid subreddits that are about specific towns/cities like the plague. I looked at one for a town Iā€™m planning to move to and one for my current city and theyā€™re both full of negative comments. Theyā€™re a cesspool, just like most of Reddit.
I dislike how there aren't any record stores near me.
Dude I feel like there are hardly any specialty stores near me, gaming stores are getting rarer too. Itā€˜s all fashion and grocery stores with some occasional repair stand, and ofc food. Itā€™s lame! Looking at stuff for hobbies is really fun and makes it feel like youā€™re surrounded by people with the same hobby. At least JB Hi-Fi still sold records last time I visited one (and there were a couple of people around there) but it was several years ago now. I think music down here has a decent following but concerts really got the shaft during COVID so Iā€™m not surprised if the record scene has also gotten kinda smaller or something šŸ˜”
Dude I feel like there are hardly any specialty stores near me, gaming stores are getting rarer too. Itā€˜s all fashion and grocery stores with some occasional repair stand, and ofc food. Itā€™s lame! Looking at stuff for hobbies is really fun and makes it feel like youā€™re surrounded by people with the same hobby. At least JB Hi-Fi still sold records last time I visited one (and there were a couple of people around there) but it was several years ago now. I think music down here has a decent following but concerts really got the shaft during COVID so Iā€™m not surprised if the record scene has also gotten kinda smaller or something šŸ˜”

Unfortunate to hear that. There also isn't much here where I currently reside aside from retail stores and fast food restaurants. Almost everything "major" seems to be located hours away in other surrounding cities (it's no wonder why a common complaint that many here make is that there's not much to do in terms of fun activities).

The only store around here that somewhat resembled a record store was Best Buy, but they stopped selling music a couple years back since they weren't making much money on it anymore (or something like that). I guess it wasn't that big of a loss, as their music selection wasn't ever that great.

Anyway, I do prefer to purchase albums via the internet as it's more convenient and you can find nearly anything. I sometimes just miss going to physical stores and checking out what music they might have.
why is there a blue light next to new leaf on my 2ds xl home screen? i saw somewhere on another website that itā€™s spotpass or either someone visited my dream address, iā€™ve never really understood spotpassā€¦

anyway other than that, i need to get caught up with the tbt fair. i donā€™t feel like doing anything but i always join in on the last few days. im always like this lol
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