Place your random thoughts.

Hmm, Strange mine got reset though
I wonder if they need to do it manually or the system resets it all by itself?
I’d assume it’s a system because doing it manually would be a pain in the butt for the staff, especially with how many active users there are for each blessing window.
I wonder if creating some social media accounts for my yt channel would help me get more views/subs? I know I also need to learn upload consistently which my depression has really not been letting me do.

I have no clue how youtubers who upload 2-3 times a week (or even 3-4 times a day) can do it. I assume bc I am my own editor and editing is so exhausting 😔
i look forward to growing older, to have wrinkles and gray hair. somehow i always associate aging with a certain level of contentment with oneself.
Sometimes I see overly personal statuses on Discord and I remember I used to do the same thing. Every day I made a status about how I felt, even if it involved private conversations with other people. In hindsight it wasn’t the healthiest idea. That sort of thing is either something I should talk to my therapist about or just post on a vent section.
You’re not a strange person. I don’t know if I’d necessarily call Croconaw a comfort character of mine, but I’ve grown really attached to him since I was a child. I drew pictures of Croconaw and hung them on my bedroom wall in elementary school. It’s become my online alias because of how fondly I grew of the character.

I also like hearing about peoples’ comfort characters and what else makes them happy, hence why I follow the “what are you happy about today” thread. If a character makes you happy, let them make you happy. Them not being a human doesn’t make them any less significant.

This is going to sound strange, and I know you're a different person, but I used to have a friend who was only interested in animals/Pokemon/non-human characters as their comfort characters.

Just saying it's entirely possible there's people out there that have the same interest in that way. And there's also absolutely nothing wrong with it, as Croconaw already mentioned above me.
@BrokenSanity one of my comfort characters is literally a rock boi that smashes things lmaooo

basically what I'm saying is just like who you like and if anyone thinks it's weird then they're dummies.
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Had an interview today. I don’t think that I did well, but I should think of this as an learning experience.
Japan Post is weird. So I bought record a few days ago and I went to shipping page and it says EMS is available of a sudden?? Then I went to Japan Post and it clearly isn't so.. yeh I'll wait to ship them to me when I can ship some others I want, me thinks.
I totally forgot I drew this lmao
I found a guy on yt who plays a lot of wii stuff like Poofesure does except he radiates a lot more positive energy (though he is equally as chaotic) and he also yells nonstop while he talks, it's pretty great 🤣
I feel like I can't get enough liquids :/
Also I'm glad it's is cool this evening and we can have our windows open.
I found a guy on yt who plays a lot of wii stuff like Poofesure does except he radiates a lot more positive energy (though he is equally as chaotic) and he also yells nonstop while he talks, it's pretty great 🤣
I actually seen one of his videos (the one where he beats all the Wii Sports champions in one video) and he seems pretty interesting! I can't believe he didn't pronounce 'Sakura' properly like Poof *sob*
First we had insane difficulty with Matt, and now hot difficulty with Abby. What's next, rigged difficulty with Lucía? :LOL:
I actually seen one of his videos (the one where he beats all the Wii Sports champions in one video) and he seems pretty interesting! I can't believe he didn't pronounce 'Sakura' properly like Poof *sob*
First we had insane difficulty with Matt, and now hot difficulty with Abby. What's next, rigged difficulty with Lucía? :LOL:
I wish really wish I had psychic powers; I'll would use them to detect liars and scammers.
So sick of these lack of empathy idiots running around.