I decided to listen to that Alvin and The Chipmunks album that was slowed down and had the pitch lowered to sound like a sludge album. It's both slightly creepy and hauntingly beautiful. I'd listen to it again.
Me and some of my school friends used to like doing this to each other (and to unsuspecting kids) back around the year 2000/01. It was funny at first, but eventually got old:
I went to Starbucks and got a Mango Dragonfruit refresher. I gave them my name (my birth name, simply because I live in the area and my dad was there). I think the worker misunderstood what I said. When they called my name, they called me “Kaden.” And it’s probably because I mumbled saying my name because it feels weird to me. That’s a male name, which made me feel good because maybe I pass as a male more than I think I do. But it actually felt better than hearing my actual name.
I think I eventually know what phone operator I want to change to, though most of them have very little or too much 4g/5g you pay for...(as in too big jumps between the GB amount you get). But I need to change cause this one I have is utter crap and I'd rather pay for a bit more and make sure it works.
I usually just remove any email newsletters I get cause they're basically just LOL HI NEW THING OR DISCOUNTS but this Corfe Bear shop I got my Dorgi plush doggo from really makes the cutest newsletter so it's one of a few I actually read.
I don't know if it is just me or if something did change, but so many people look like giants. Like they seem taller than before. Maybe I shrank? Maybe I just don't see people enough and forget about how short I really am? Idk. It's weird. I may have to measure myself soon tbh out of curiosity.
I couldn't shave for four days since I couldn't find any razors and I looked like a completely different person. Good thing I found some yesterday. Me and beards don't mix.
so I just learned that Chrome and all browsers that are based on Chrome are getting rid of ad-blocking extensions sometime in 2023, guess who's likely gonna be switching over to Firefox very soon?
edit: done lol, that was easier than I thought it would be.
Just a couple of thoughts running in my head this morning:
"Why is my internet running faster than normal? Has the change over to Fiber Broadband happened already?"
"What is stopping me from buying an OLED Switch even though know I want one really badly?"
"Is it wrong that I don't have much sympathy for my friend after she broke up with her boyfriend for a second time because he was a douche bag... again?"
Thinking I should give Tumblr another go (since Twitter is being sabotaged)... Would be nice to have a blog I did have a Tumblr back in '12 - '14, not sure if I ever deleted it though