Place your random thoughts.

When I look back at those (deleted) posts/threads I made in the past I remember what I said and I remember feeling really bad about it.....
That train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio unlocked a new fear because I live a block away from railroad tracks.

I should really start preparing for an evacuation plan regardless if it’s for an earthquake or something else. The problem is that it feels like I’m the only one in my household taking this seriously.

One of my babies <3
How is my ds that old?!? I felt not long ago when I got it for Christmas but its been 6+ years!?
No wonder my circle pad broke off. I superglued it to at least have it hold on just a bit longer
i swear the eagles better win this

EDIT: NOO THEY FREAKING LOST. i am grieving, i am bitter
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Reading is way better than watching a bunch of sweating men in safety pads, playing an intense game of hot potato with a weird shape ball.
Yeah I don't get stuff at all. But I'm not from the US, so. *shrug*

Also, life's a minestrone.
I got some other person's order from Etsy instead of mine. Fun stuff. And to add insult to the injury the seller didn't want to pay for the shipping and expects me to pay for it.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they did a collectors edition print of the marmalade boy manga and i need. missed it when it was actually in regular english paperback/tankobons way back so hell yes getting this!!