Place your random thoughts.

Dang, the gluestick from Dollar Tree sucks. I wasn’t expecting it to have zero stickiness. I was really looking forward to scrapbooking.
I miss the rain. 😢

Come over here it won't stop raining. Has been for a week straight.

Internet is down again so I can't play certain Switch games. Since I have the same NNID across multiple Switches, it checks with one to make sure the other isn't online cause two can't play at once. It really only does this with digital games or NH, since I have multiple of those and I can't have two islands play together offline of they both have the HHP DLC. However I can't play offline games like Skyrim cause the weather sucks and could knock the power out. The Switch does have a safety mechanism for that but still.

I still have a sore throat from last night that isn't going away, dad seems like he's sick now, sis is still sick and hasn't really gotten much better other than her 103 fever going down a few days ago, mom still seems sick. I feel like I might be gettin sick here soon, that's usually the way it goes, when one person gets sick, we all do.
honey, we have guests! it’s time to bring out the fine china.

the fine china:

Every time I see a picture of myself and want to recoil from disgust I just remember some statistic I read on tumblr once like ten years ago that your face looks 30% more attractive to people who aren’t you, or something. No idea if it was even true but it actually kinda helps lol.
I couldn’t happier as an adult (identifying transmasc) that looks like a minor going to Disney World in September.

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…now i’m glad my family has agreed we don’t want to go to disneyworld anymore. you shouldn’t have to feel scared while going on a vacation to DISNEYWORLD. what has our society come to. :,)

i just realized i’ve spent most of yesterday and today sewing a seatbelt cover because i really can’t stand when it touches my neck. i don‘t know how to feel about this lol
i wish that new horizons had daylight savings. i know the daylight saving start date changes every year (i think) but it would be more realistic to have longer days in summer seasons and shorter days in winter seasons bc it’s way too dark in the game for it to be 7:50 rn. just a thought i had.
Been playing the Harvestella demo and I'm honestly thinking of getting the retail version. Seems like a fun game.
They always say "things will be better" but then you realize that its not getting better and no matter how much you try to act like everything is all "fine" it gets worse and worse until you reach a point where you can't take it anymore.
I couldn’t happier as an adult (identifying transmasc) that looks like a minor going to Disney World in September.

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dude I already considered Florida to be basically the trash can of the United States but this is just low. idk what the **** is going on down there but they need to stop acting so stupid and selfish.
dude I already considered Florida to be basically the trash can of the United States but this is just low. idk what the **** is going on down there but they need to stop acting so stupid and selfish.
Yeah, clearly I’m gonna be carrying my ID in my pocket to prove I’m not a minor because nobody seems to guess my age correctly, lol. Florida’s just terrible right now.
This heat is making me very lethargic. It's not even summer yet. Can't wait til autumn rolls around.
Sometimes I wonder if YouTubers saying "like and subscribe" in their videos actually works. It probably does, though.
I just assume they think the whole audience is dogs and they’re obeying their owner.

“lay down”
“like and subscribe”

Good doggy.
Sometimes I wonder if YouTubers saying "like and subscribe" in their videos actually works. It probably does, though.
That's a good question, actually. I don't think I've ever liked a video or subscribed to a youtuber because they mentioned it somewhere. I usually leave a like when I reach the end of a video I enjoyed and I subscribe to channels when I find myself binging their content and wanting to see more of it in the future.

I understand that they mention it because it helps the channel grow but the way some youtubers do it is very annoying sometimes.