Place your random thoughts.

Screenshot 2023-06-10 at 4.50.47 PM.png
I feel like I’m one of the few who dislike rain. I don’t like getting drenched when I’m outside. I feel that the only people who like it are those who don’t have to go out all that often. I can’t imagine that people like being drenched with water.
I love rain but I hate being out in it especially if it's torrential and I get soaked through. However there is something comforting about rain when indoors and more so when a thunderstorm rolls in especially after a long hot and humid period of weather.

It rained here yesterday for the first time in a month and it was bloomin' lovely and apparently my location is at risk of a thunderstorm today and tomorrow, bring it on! 🥳
I'll never forget how flabbergasted I was when I had spent 10+ years playing 3D Land just to realize that the ghost house music originated from Super Mario Galaxy 1 😂

it's too bad I couldn't play SMG1 as a kid, I think I still would've liked Galaxy 2 more but I would've had more nostalgia for it than I do.
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I have mixed feelings about getting heavy rain plus possibly a thunderstorm after being in a drought. Of course I don't want to stay in a drought, but this type of weather gives me anxiety. I just don't know how to feel about it.
I never got to enjoy Galaxy because I thought the first one was hard. I couldn’t deal with it as a kid. Maybe it would’ve been easier as an adult.
I have mixed feelings about getting heavy rain plus possibly a thunderstorm after being in a drought. Of course I don't want to stay in a drought, but this type of weather gives me anxiety. I just don't know how to feel about it.
Fellow monsoon season resident here! Hopefully the rain has past you and nothing bad has happened.

You’re right that a sudden large intake of water is not good because it’ll take longer for the dry soil to absorb it. The soil basically becomes like cement and water will slip over it. This is usually how flash floods form along the canals where I live.

For the most part you’ll be fine. If you live in a house, check if your driveway slopes downward. Last October, my county got about 2” of rain in one afternoon. The rain reached up to our doorstep, but didn’t spill over inside; because of the slope pulling it back.

Also, the inspection report for my house stated that the driveway could handle up to 3” of rain. That gave me some reassurance. Having some sandbags ready would be a better idea.

Avoid rural roads, winding roads, roads or highways along the mountains, and roads with dips (they will flood). When driving, if the water seems too deep for comfort, turn around. I believe that anything higher than 6 in. will kill your engine.

At home, have a generator, flashlight, batteries, some nonperishable food, water, and weather radio with you if possible. Maybe pack a bag with clothes and important documents. This is usually how I calm myself down when earthquake swarms hit. Inspect your house for leaks.
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i really wish i could like new horizons but i can't 😭
i actually have no idea how anyone sticks with it for more than 2 days. i'll be having fun decorating but after i'm done it's like then what..?

anyway, pikmin 4 looks amazing. i was having my doubts when i saw the most recent trailer but i just saw the direct from 4 months ago (idk how i could've missed it) and it looks fun, im considering buying when it comes out.
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It's been raining here all day and I love it!
I thought that I named my character Kobe out of the blue. But now realize I was probably naming him after one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite manga

Asahi Kobe. Even has purple hair xD i can't believe I didn't notice that till now.
nothing beats listening to a recording I made all the way back in 2012 where my friend and I were vibing and suddenly kid me yells "TOOOOOOOX BOOOOOOOOX"

I still got that spirit 😂
I don't know what star frag to get from the shop.
I don't know if I should go with the yellow or the red.
I'm so glad they decided to re-release these though.
Makes me more curious about what the new collectibles will look like for camp bell tree.