Place your random thoughts.

I thought alfresco was a kind of pasta šŸ˜­
also deciding whether or not i should buy fruit tea to pass the time while waiting for my family or just eat lunch by myself since im already here and im hungry
Iā€™m running on less than five hours of sleep. Thankfully, I have the day off tomorrow.

this video is the definition of "high school student trying desperately to type in filler words to reach the word count on their essay" and I love it, I always wanted to watch a 35 min video about the grass in SM64 šŸ˜Œ
"quirk a brow" "brow furrowing" "She raised her brow" "Furrowing brow"


I really need to finish this book, I so sick of seeing it waiting for me.

it's too bad I don't like oreos because this is amazing haha
I'm in a few "bad parking/driving" groups on Facebook and I find it absolutely wild how some people defend other people parking on footpaths/parking in disability spaces/parking in the median strip of the road. Like that's straight up stupid and illegal??? How can people defend that šŸ„“
This guy had a bumper sticker and I was trynna figure out which pride flag combination it was, and it dawned on me. It's friggin Indias flag lmao
All day, it looks like it is just foggy or misting out. The air is missing it's humid feeling that would normally go with that.
It's smoke from Canada :/
Insane. All about wind direction.
All day, it looks like it is just foggy or misting out. The air is missing it's humid feeling that would normally go with that.
It's smoke from Canada :/
Insane. All about wind direction.
Same here. It actually looks pretty to me but the truth behind it is sad. Also Iā€™m concerned about my lungs too after breathing the outside air @.@;
Same here. It actually looks pretty to me but the truth behind it is sad. Also Iā€™m concerned about my lungs too after breathing the outside air @.@;
Yeah where I'm at it is at unhealthy levels. I've been inside even though I need to pull weeds since I have asthma. It looks a little better today than yesterday, but it is still red levels.
Being inside, I've still have some coughing and sneezing fits.

Some places are so bad, they have purple levels.

Hopefully the fire clear up soon before it gets hotter and drier.
There used to be a forum I was on that tried acting friendly for all ages and it DID have a swear filter, but people there constantly tried breaking the rules for the fun of it. Borderline inappropriate images, lots of inappropriate jokes and users overly open about intimate topics. Very tweeny vibesā€¦ very tweeny dramaā€¦ added to the inconsistent moderation on top of huge bias. I can have a crude mouth, but I think with that kind of thing you should just try to go all-in one way or the other (it gets more complicated with larger communities, but the forum Iā€™m talking about had similar size to this site, at its peak). Sure it might be ā€œfunnyā€ to try and bypass a swear filter, and I donā€™t think we can have a fully sanitised internet, but tbh Iā€™m having more problems with the ā€œkids will get in trouble anywayā€ kind of mentality. There should be a modicum of responsibility on us adults. I donā€™t like giving into attempted sanitisation or something, but I think when adults know a lot of kids use a site and still skirt the rules for lols or something, they deserve criticism. Thereā€™s a difference between slipping in swears or having kids enter places you try to keep them out of, versus adults trying to be constantly edgy in spaces with kids, which I have seen and think is problematic. Also whenever people find a calm place and deliberately try to be crass/edgy because they think itā€™s funny, I just think it isnā€™t funny anymore anyway, Iā€™m glad absolutely none of this is on this forum.
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Iā€™m gonna miss my Pride wallpapers. Especially this one.

Seeing it gave me a small dose of serotonin.