Place your random thoughts.

it's too bad I didn't wait one more day to join this forum, so my join date could be right on Halloween. I suppose you could say it's Halloween Eve, or something like that haha. close enough though! and fittingly it's my favourite holiday 😊🎃👻😈
While this has nothing to do with Halloween, if I actually registered the day before I registered back in July 23rd, 2013 I would have joined on my birthday.

I was still new to online forums so I was nervous. It took until after my birthday to finally get things together, plus I only joined because one of my friends I made on ACC was moving over to here, I’m glad to have made that decision.

I still remember the old introduction thread I made, oh 2013 how I miss you so.
I swear, the second it hits 6:00 am, it has to automatically become bright. It’s almost like in AC, except there it becomes bright earlier. I’ve been awake before 6 multiple times irl and it’s happened a lot.
This join date talk made me realise that I see different join dates for a lot of people than the date they see. It's obvious and I've thought about it for post date before but I've never actually thought about join dates before. Mine is still the same because I joined in the afternoon of my time zone.
I joined at a pretty random time, like I aaalmost joined right before my birthday last year, I almost joined with Welcome Amiibo, I almost joined right before NH… yada yada yada!

So this is completely unrelated but I already posted this album on the listening thread and it is driving me insane today. (Affectionate) It’s such a celebration of the internet in its own way and it just makes me think about how much different stuff has influenced me and what not only my memories but my habits and diction and thought is made out of just remixed so beautifully. Wish I could put my real feelings in words, this isn’t enough. This is like the culmination of YTPMVs but way more than just nostalgia to me. It’s so well-made it’s like instead of being nostalgic, despite all the nostalgic samples and the nostalgia I get from plunderphonics altogether, it really highlights how you can make something so fresh and great from thise memories and it’s inspiring. Please, remind me to write more about it later, I’m actually obsessed and I need to whittle down the words to capture my thoughts.
i joined just for the new leaf trading board, i ended up staying and here i am four years later. i joined on april 19, i wonder if anyone sees a different date?
Its going to be really busy today for me. Its neither good nor bad, its just it feels like the busyness never seems to stop for me recently. A full day of relaxation sounds really nice.
not gonna lie I was hoping the troll thread wouldn't be bumped. it was fun back in like 2016-17 but I feel like it's not really a relevant thing on this forum anymore.
I don't remember much from 2014 so I'm gonna assume I'd got to a certain point in my ACNL town and signed up here because I wanted to start trading. It would have been cute if I'd signed up 4 days earlier (Valentine's Day).
it’s so crazy to me that i joined here on a random friday eight years ago, and it would turn out to be one of the best decisions i‘d ever make :’)) i don’t remember how i even found tbt in the first place, but i think i joined because i got sick of gamefaqs and acc and wanted to try somewhere new. i still remember how in awe i was at how active tbt was compared to gamefaqs and acc, i was like “damn i should’ve come here first” 🤣
okay I know I've already shared these drawings in my art thread but like?? I just can't get over doing comparisons like this, seeing how much my art has changed and improved over the years. it's really amazing honestly. the one on the left is from July 2012, and the one on the right is from September 2023 (ofc, I just drew it like two days ago haha).

It's funny to look at the older drawing, mostly because it was drawn in Flipnote Studio and it was sooooo limited in its functionality. it only had two layers to work with, and more often than not I would set the top layer as the black line art layer, meaning that the only colours I had to work with were black and red or blue. there was also the option of red and blue alone, which was more versatile but kinda weird to work with. but in the case of this drawing, I had only black and red and I had to use the different brushes to give the illusion of multiple colours. like obviously the rainbow ring isn't a rainbow here, you can't make a rainbow with only red and black lol, so I went with a gradient effect. the "gold" part is really just a thin layer of red pixels, strange how that gives the illusion of yellow haha. but the new drawing has all the correct colours, and so now he looks fabulous and perfect 🥰
looking at the older drawing makes me realize two things: 1. kids really will just take what they can get and roll with it, I could've easily drawn him in colour on paper but being able to do digital art was a novelty and I thought it was really cool. of course I'm very grateful to now have Clip Studio Paint, with unlimited layers and colours hehe. and 2. it's funny to see how I approached drawing this guy back in 2012, especially the teeth, which are really odd and crooked looking lol (I didn't understand how chompy teeth work in a 3D space oops). It's still drawn really well though, considering it was not long after I turned 13!

I was just thinking, I wish I could visit my younger self and show off these newer drawings of mine. kid me probably would've been so happy. I wasn't able to commission stuff as a kid, but I know if I had gotten someone to make a nice drawing of Mr Chomp King for me back in 2012-13, I would've absolutely loved that. 💛
not gonna lie I was hoping the troll thread wouldn't be bumped. it was fun back in like 2016-17 but I feel like it's not really a relevant thing on this forum anymore.
I still like to play the game. But I plan on doing it differently, like teaching junk science or false historical facts rather than the mean stuff like I used to post.

Now while trolling is the purpose of the game, even I have to agree that some of the acts are a little too excessive. Stuff like resurfacing old identities, bringing up past drama, or carrying drama from other threads, those make the user just as uncomfortable as they do everywhere else.

But yeah, I’m glad that the toxicity on this site really has died down. The worst of the members have either improved or have left this site. The forum has gotten better while the rest of the world got worse.