Step inside and hold on for dear life
On The Amazing World of Gumball page on TV tropes, it says how the show eventually started to basically turn into the Cartoon Network version of South Park. And now that I think about it, they are very similar, even in ways that don't involve the fact that they both use dark jokes. The characters are also similar. Richard is like Randy, they're both just stupid. Nicole has much more sense, just like Sharon. Darwin is kind of similar to Butters in a way, when compared to Gumball, who can kind of be like Cartman. I would say they're more like Stan and Kyle, but Gumball doesn't really have common sense like Stan, and Darwin seems more like Kyle than Stan to me. Anais is, uhh, smart for her age, just like Ike. Ike hasn't really been seen to have psychotic tendencies, so that's the most I can say. All of the students at Elmore Junior High have quirky or defining traits, just like the some of the (male 4th grade) students at South Park Elementary. Another thing about the two shows is that the songs are really, really good. And the last thing about both shows that immediately comes to mind is that they're both some of my top 10-5 favorite shows. Probably more top 5.