Place your random thoughts.

Let’s be real. Taking the derivative of a polynomial function is easier than multiplying three triple-digit numbers if it’s all done on paper. The basic math problem will require a lot of paper to get it all done if you don’t use a calculator. But for the calculus problem only uses just a few lines of your paper if you know your differentiation rules (for polynomials, you just need to know the constant rule, power rule, sum rule, and constant multiple rule).
I like a little drama and chaos once in a while. It's entertaining, the spice of life. Otherwise things would be too bland and boring.
I just need 3 more carnival coins to get the cat plushie collectible. I haven't opened up New Horizons in probably over a year, but I might decorate myself a corner of my island so I can earn 3 more coins and get a collectible.
I really wish that my school had a day where we all just shared holiday stories, because I would just make mine as traumatizing as possible. Everyone would read something wholesome (probably), and I would just read an extremely dark story, just like Woodland Critter Christmas. I doubt I would even be allowed to do something like that, but it would be kinda funny.
This fish is beautiful.
Also it's color and pattern reminds me of a puffer.
There’s a place in California called Upland. Shouldn’t it be called Downland since it’s in Southern California, part of the Los Angeles area?
There’s a place in California called Upland. Shouldn’t it be called Downland since it’s in Southern California, part of the Los Angeles area?
It could be altitude related. i looked it up and It’s near mountains. Low German is spoken in Northern Germany, named so because the land is low, and High German is spoken in Southern Germany where it’s more mountainous.
It could be altitude related. i looked it up and It’s near mountains. Low German is spoken in Northern Germany, named so because the land is low, and High German is spoken in Southern Germany where it’s more mountainous.
That’s where it got its name.

In other news, the Diamondbacks will be in the World Series. It’s now Texas vs Arizona, or Dallas vs Phoenix. If I were to mention divine retribution or something, the Diamondbacks making it to the World Series could be an apology gift from God for having 30 consecutive days of going over 110°F last summer.
Hm I looked at the Wikipedia list of Switch only games and I think I only want 2 more games that are actually out. Ngl looking back that exclusive list is incredibly mid for me, and last Halloween I felt more positive about their next console to play AC on these forums but I’m not so sure about that anymore. Like it’s probably going to be $500 here and why shouldn’t I just dump that on PC

Wonder was good and there’s a couple others I already had on my wishlist. It’s just I’m bedridden and I would rather be buying stuff on PC, but I want to lay down and play a handheld, so looking at what to do on Switch and pass the time? I don’t have much. Legit think there may be more for me on 3DS, and I already played that tons more.
Do you keep fish?
No. I've just been learning about fish and the bacteria in tanks. Maybe one day I'll have some since they can be a help to my garden and a contained pet. Some of them are pretty cool looking. I have dogs rn but I don't want anymore after them because I want them to have known each other. Which is why we got Coco this year (born last June) when we have 3 old dogs. (They are all small). Two of them we had a scare with earlier this year and they have just really slowed down. My third one is technically late middle aged because his estimated lifespan is longer due to his breed and he is still doing just fine and still runs and stuff. Coco is our last doggo and has a lifespan of 15yrs. As a kid I had an angry Betta named Saturn. He had huge flowing fins and was a blue green color so I "had a fish before" but it was more of my mom's fish and I just fed it. We didn't have live plants in there, but if I was to ever have a fish tank, I'd do live plants.
am i the only person who only has one hairstyle? i never put it in a ponytail, its just down all the time. i have two variations: straight and slightly wavy.
So TV Tropes has a set of guidelines on how a villain can be classified as a complete monster. The rules are:
  • They must be an individual.
  • They must pass the heinous standard, by both the genre and by the standards of society.
  • Their actions must be visible.
  • They must cross the Moral Event Horizon.
  • Their actions cannot be played for laughs.
  • They must stand out in comparison to the other villains. Two villains being equally evil cannot count.
  • They cannot hold anything back, given their resources.
  • They have no remorse or regret, no loved ones.
  • They must be capable of making the moral choice.
  • They cannot have a sympathetic backstory.
  • They must have defined and selfish motives.
  • The writing needs to have a substantial plot.
There are also a couple of disqualifying tropes such has “Even Evil Has Standards”, “Well-Intentioned Extremist”, and “Heel-Face Turn”, because they give them redeeming qualities, or have violated one of the rules above. However, the following tropes do not disqualify a villain from being a complete monster (despite disqualifying reasons given):
  • Strawman has a Point - the CM may be the worst of all evils, but they are right about something according to the audiences.
  • Values Dissonance - the heinous standard, defines motives, and sympathy can be determined based on the values of society. They may be a CM for the time, but the change in values would disqualify them.
  • Author Tract - even if they pass all 12 rules of becoming a CM, some of the stuff can be muddled by political bias, and thus may not be a CM to everyone.
  • Rooting for the Empire - as evil the CM is, audiences would support the CM over the main characters or the other characters the CM has hurt.
It makes me wonder why these tropes don’t disqualify the villain as a complete monster.
It's easy to forget, because we're so caught up in our own things, etc. but a lot of other people have it so much worse in life. So. Much. WORSE 😬

People with physical abnormalities. People that can't talk, people that eat or breathe through a tube, no arms or legs, people who turn to living mannequins because their muscle is gradually turning into bone, people who have lost their face. And the list goes on.

Being able to walk and talk, hold your phone or change the channel, all that seems like small stuff but really, they are a huge blessing.

Just something that's been on my mind recently since I keep being suggested "Born Different" documentaries on YouTube for no reason lololol 😂 and I don't even click on them, just scrolling through the thumbnails and suddenly I'm flooded.
My post on the trick-or-treat map on the app, Nextdoor, has almost 300 views. While I know that this isn’t indicative of the number of people actually showing up; because people flake all the time. It does make me worry that I won’t have enough treats to pass around.

Especially for the non-food treats. This will be the first year that I try to be inclusive. I have roughly about 150 items. I hope that this is enough…
I really wish that my school had a day where we all just shared holiday stories, because I would just make mine as traumatizing as possible. Everyone would read something wholesome (probably), and I would just read an extremely dark story, just like Woodland Critter Christmas. I doubt I would even be allowed to do something like that, but it would be kinda funny.
Well, today, in this grade's variant of Reading class, we’ve been assigned with making a 700-1500 word story about anything. I asked how dark it could be and gave the teacher an example of what it's going to be like, and she said it was okay. Today we're starting the draft (the actual thing is due November 16), and I'm very excited for my final draft.