I don't have any goals or dreams. Right now all I have is just survival mode. No matter what is happening in the world and no matter how hard things are, I will have to keep being strong and not let things catch me off guard. Thats how I am going to approach 2024.
I don't know why so many people call various games between teams across sports rigged or "scripted." I mean, in very small amounts I can see it happening, but most of the time absolutely nothing in sports is going to be rigged or scripted. If it was, then you'd have like, one team winning every time in a sport, but that doesn't happen, not even with the Patriots in football or the Yankees in baseball for example. That crap only happens in TV shows TBH. People make up the craziest excuses as well.
I swear I could just chalk it up to people being stupid in most cases. Reading comments makes my brain hurt more than it already does from being tired.
Time for some more songs that sound similar. It's between KK Slider songs and Mario songs this time.
The intro to both of these sound almost identical, besides KK Salsa being an octave higher. I tested it and found out that they actually do use the same notes. It's probably just that they share a key signature.
The first time I listened to KK Calypso, I immediately heard Beach Bowl Galaxy. I'm pretty sure it first appears in City Folk, and those are both Wii games.
When a lv. 39 Gyarados with Gentle nature (barely) survives a Dark Pulse from a lv. 47 Houndoom after it used Nasty Plot to boost its Sp. Attack by 2 stages, you know you did something right. Literally came in clutch during my most recent Elite 4 run in Pokémon HeartGold. Because who chooses Gentle over Adamant for a Gyarados? (someone like me who prefers extra bulk over power, lol)
I'm so mad that I didn't do the White Elephant creation, because I had like the best prompt you could ask for. All I had to do was draw a stuffed stocking. But I didn't. It's too late now because I have to attend something now.
Well my New Years started with a blast.. My brother's dog spooked a small child this morning.
And now the dog is afraid of me, I believe he thinks I'm going to yell at him for it. He didn't mean to.