this reminds me of anytime i have seen a flower in real life that also exists in animal crossing and i have to announce “omg!! that’s in AC!!” and anytime someone mentions anything about sea bass it’s like a trigger word for me to start talking about animal crossing.
My mom couldn't remember her name today but she did manage to sing the whole Scooby doo theme song so I guess imma look on the bright side. Shes got her priorities straight
When the moon wand was first introduced, I wanted the crescent moon glow wand more than any other collectible. But now I lost interest into it, and would prefer the enchanted bloom (my least favorite of the animated collectibles) if I had to choose which animated collectible I want.
I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I finally got around to making a tier list of all the miis in Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort (manifesting @ZeldaCrossing64 hehehe, if you've made a tier list I'd like to see it!) I would make a separate thread for this but I can't imagine anyone else here knows all the WSR miis as well as we do lol oops
the absolute fool legend himself, mr tyuiop
Here are my tier explanations: Living Legends: Miguel gets his very own special tier because he is my #1 husbando haha. I used to just like him normally, but then I added him to my Tomodachi Life island earlier this year, and he and tyuiop suspiciously spent a lot of time together. I'm pretty sure tyuoip has a crush on Miguel. he's a pretty chill dude, has his own private plane and a resort house on Wuhu Island, and he kinda gives me foxy grandpa vibes (though I don't think he's that old lol). his smug little grin is endearing and my soul is enraptured by it. Almost Best: These are miis who I really love but, obviously, are not Miguel tier. I think my favourite here is Lucía; as the table tennis champ I vibe w her a lot, and I love that she ****es off Poofesure so much while wearing that smug smile lmao. she knows exactly what she's doing. Greg is also a table tennis dude so I vibe w him. Elisa is the champ in tennis, aka my favourite sport in real life and tyuiop's signature sport, so I imagine that tyuiop is friends with her. Sakura is a legend, Siobhán is funny (and yes, I do say her name properly, but I still like to call her "cat girl"), and then Jackie just gives me some kinda badass vibes idk. Adore: I really like these guys a lot, for one reason or another. most of them are really funny to me, like Asami and Hiromasa. others like Maria and Vincenzo and Luca seem chill. David gives me a similar vibe to Jackie but he's not as much of a legend as she is. then there's Julie, she made me laugh my ass off in Dii Party so she gets my approval. Like: I very much like these miis, but I wouldn't necessarily rank them among my favourites. they're still in the realm of having their own humourous personalities and quirks, and some of them I simply cannot bring myself to dislike or even be neutral towards, like Pierre and Shouta and Shinossuke. Neutral: I'm indifferent to these guys, I don't really have any strong feelings for any of them. though I won't lie, five-head–I mean, Theo is pretty hilarious and so is Pizza Steve. Slightly Dislike: These miis scare me a bit. Yes, even Tommy and Steph scare me lol. Takumi is there bc I can never remember his name and that makes me mad haha. Dislike: Andy and Nelly were very rude to me in Wii Party and they shan't be forgiven. Andy is the worst offender, having gone up against tyuiop twice and he just has no sportsmanship whatsoever smh. Hate: Gabriele and Chika are simply terrifying, I cannot stand to look at them for more than about three seconds before I want to cry. Despise: Marisa is somehow more horrifying than Gabriele or Chika, plus she was very annoying in Poofesure's playthrough of Tomodachi Life, so she's just awful. as for Tatsuaki, he annoyed me in Wii Party and table tennis so he can **** off. Living Nuisance: I actually don't genuinely hate any of the CPU miis!
so yeah, pardon me while I go draw Miguel and tyuiop together lol
Four hours of pulling tickets at work, and then it's Godzilla time! godzilla minus one is still in the theaters, and I finally have time to see it after work tomorrow
That's an awesome list! You have exquisite tastes in Miis, haha. I haven't updated mine since April 2023 and my opinions on a number of Miis changed since then, but here's my most recent WS/WSR Mii tier list. (I could've sworn I started a new/updated list at some point but I probably gave up halfway through XD)
You can tell it's old since I put Sakura ahead of Eva, who's my 2nd favorite Mii (after Yoko). Lucia has sort of grown on me though, she's very interesting and I can't believe I used to dislike her. She also got married to Sarah in my new TL game! (But watch me lose my **** when she beats me in table tennis lmao)
Of course, I can never not love all the Miis in the Living Legends tier, especially Abby and Tyrone, they've honestly been super cool in Wii Sports/Wii Party. (even though I always get my *** kicked in basketball )
Last night I had a dream where I used my phone to send a message. It was actually the type of dream that's so realistic that you wake up mad because you have to do that again.
whenever go i to the bathroom at school there’s always drawings of that dumb roblox woman face plastered everywhere in one of the stalls and it’s surprisingly drawn well too. i might of wandered into somebody’s private art studio, whoops.
It's supposed to snow a lot tomorrow, which could mean that we won't have school on Monday. I used to love snow days, but now I'm conflicted over them. On one hand, you don't have to go to school for a day. On the other hand, the last day of school gets pushed a day further (this year it's three weeks earlier for some reason). Last year we didn't even have any. Since it's only one day, I think I want it to happen this time.
I wanted to write a blog entry on reasons why the Jim Crow laws were worse than slavery, but I may have to avoid writing a blog entry on sensitive topics like this.