Place your random thoughts.

I love May so much the world literally looks and feels like this right now!!!
I fought my demons by scrolling past a post that appeared on my feed on another site that I had seen before and had made me really, really mad. Instead of checking the comments and feeling a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, I stuck to my new way of thinking I’ve been trying for a little over week now and fought the urge. I’m proud of myself. 💖🌱🌈
I love May so much the world literally looks and feels like this right now!!!
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It's the best feeling ever!! 💖 honestly the start of every new month feels this way to me, even in winter lol everything feels so alive and fresh again! Today's a really beautiful day, as a matter of fact! Super nice, warm and sunny weather over here 🥰☀️🌈🌷🌻
my hair is officially at that awkward grow out phase
my phone thinks i’m in a neighboring state right now. I mean sometimes it’s off by like a couple towns at most but this is wild XD
It’s so sad that Ice Cap Zone’s original music isn’t in Sonic Origins because of copyright. There’s others that this happened to, but I mentioned this song because it’s probably the best Act theme in the game. Nothing can top that song.
I left my earbuds in my hoodie pocket, but I didn't realize until after I did all my laundry... Surprisingly, they still work. I'm pretty glad though, because I like this particular pair of earbuds.

Where's the 🤔 reaction when you need it?
I think it would be cool if TBT had more reactions, including the one you mentioned. (But now I'm wondering if you randomly had that idea or if you saw a post and was like: "Man, a 🤔 reaction would be perfect for this".)
I know I’ve already said how Sonic 2’s special stages are way too hard, but it even reflects in the way I feel listening to the song that plays during them. When I listen to Sonic 2’s, I get filled with stress and all I can see is this:


But when I listen to Sonic 3’s, I can separate the song from the special stages. It’s kind of strange that they choose to remake Sonic 2’s special stages more, but at least it’s better than Sonic 1’s.

Also, I’m replaying Sonic 2 and I’m on Hill Top Zone Act II (the fifth zone out of the eight you can actually get Chaos Emeralds in), and I only have two Chaos Emeralds. It’s probably a better idea to just start a new file at this point.

Final thing, but it’s possible to get every Chaos Emerald in Emerald Hill Zone because there’s enough checkpoints and rings. There’s even an achievement for it in the phone version. But don’t do it. It’s practically impossible you’re using save states or you’re actually a video game god.
More proof that CDi Link is the strongest. Most Links are just minding their own business and then something happens to drag them in. But CDi Link? Nah, he clearly wants to fight Ganon, as seen when he says “gee, I wonder what Ganon’s up to.” This is because he knows he can one shot Ganon with his epic skills. He doesn’t need Z Targeting or anything that weak Links (pun totally intended) need.
Old PC music is very underrated. Especially the ones made in PC-88 and PC-98, DOS music comes in a close second. They sound much better than 8-bit music in my opinion.

(Although Famicom does enhance NES music with more channels).
I just watched the opening credits of both Chocolate Factory movies. Here’s what I noticed.
  • The first movie simply shows how chocolate is made, accompanied by some happier and cheerful music. And it’s not just Wonka bars. It’s all kinds of candy. No shadow effects were used.
  • The second movie only shows how Wonka bars are made, but they also show how they’re wrapped and distributed. It’s accompanied by some darker music in a bleaker weather. Shadow effects were used.
On the RYB color wheel, yellow-green and red-violet are mild colors rather than warm colors or cool colors. But on the RGB color wheel, chartreuse is a warm color, and violet is a cool color.
Since we have something big coming up in band tomorrow (I can explain it in full detail if you want), my band teacher really wants us to practice our songs until they’re perfect. And then one of the things she said yesterday was “it’s not safe to go alone. Here, take this” in a metaphorical way. Only one other person besides me got the reference, but that made me smile for some reason.