That is really nice! I wish I had a moment like this in high school.On Friday someone asked the biology teacher if he liked me more than her and he immediately said yes. He said that because I actually do work, and also, apparently we have a similar taste in video games, while she’s just loud and uses her phone all class. That was nice to hear.
Stay strong! I like you; I’ve seen you around here and you seem nice. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who will like you.i got a rare condition that makes me unlikable
I feel like it started around 2008. Chowder carried CN during these times.I've always thought that the mid 2010's were the new dark age of animation. With most popular cartoons falling off in the story department and sometimes having the worst finales because they pander too much to the specific shipping part of the fandom.
And, just pointless reboots anywhere. Who asked for a comedy-oriented Thundercats reboot again? Yeah, no one. Not anyone born from the 90's or early 2000's even know or cared about Thundercats as a matter of fact.
The first dark age of animation (late 50's-80's) at least produced some good cartoons though.
I think that's true now that I think about it, 2008 is truly a start of the second dark age of animation but it's the golden age for the internet (YTP's, flash animations, early Youtube videos, etc.)I feel like it started around 2008. Chowder carried CN during these times.
Yeah, some of the shows they came up with were atrocious. Some of them weren't even cartoons (they stopped showing cartoons on a cartoon network like wtf). Adventure Time never realy peaked my interest but Gumball was definitely one I got into later on. Their style is charming for 2D characters in 3D world and it's honestly really funny. I also love their characters, especially Darwin, Carrie, and Nicole.I think that's true now that I think about it, 2008 is truly a start of the second dark age of animation but it's the golden age for the internet (YTP's, flash animations, early Youtube videos, etc.)
I do remember watching one video where they talk about Out of Jimmy's Head. The show looked atrocious though. And yeah, Chowder is the MVP for carrying CN. Adventure Time is one of those shows in which it's fun during the early episodes but fell off in quality and consistency in the later to final episodes. I'm not a big fan of it's art style too, Chowder looked leagues better in the art style department.
Amazing World of Gumball is fun as it is because it utilizes different art styles plus that show's funny.
I don't see it.i got a rare condition that makes me unlikable