Place your random thoughts.

Unsure if I should get back into One Piece or start Bleach or Dragon Ball. I'm in the mood for classic shonens.
Bleach has some great intro music.

A while ago I was asking random coworkers if they can name an anime with a samurai or ninja other than Naruto. One or both said Samurai Jack. I was hoping one mentioned Samurai Champloo.
If I can keep the progress on the bigger job, I'll be able to pay a lot of the bills and actually build my life here. I also, am still thinking about Shin Godzilla. I just... The fact that it has so many forms and is constantly evolving is so heartbreaking and so cool all at once.
The worst games I've ever played are:

Hello Neighbor
Superman 64
Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam

Paper Jam wasn't so bad as it was just very very boring to me.
My part of Florida didn’t get snow either . It did say early this morning we had a chance of snow then they changed it to rain.

am i weird for seriously considering an adult tricycle 😭
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Yeah okay ai overview lol. Can’t believe they turned my boy Tails into a computer program lmao 😂

Oh gosh, why does this just remind me of Sonic Prime for some reason... specifically the Tails from that show. I was watching it when going to sleep several months ago, and even without sound I could tell the show was really bad. So much so that I've had nightmares involving the different characters doing their weird, clunky movements from it. 💀
So the staff don’t have plans on reviving the Unpopular Opinions Thread, but we’re still not allowed to create a new one right now due to how the last one went, nor are we allowed to use this thread or any other thread as an unpopular opinions thread.
So the staff don’t have plans on reviving the Unpopular Opinions Thread, but we’re still not allowed to create a new one right now due to how the last one went, nor are we allowed to use this thread or any other thread as an unpopular opinions thread.

I missed out on that thread. I would guess it's because most hot takes on the internet devolve into political or religious discussion.

If I come into this thread and write 'Lady and the Tramp is the best Disney movie' I don't think anybody would come for my throat. (I hope not).

There's usually a line drawn for this stuff and that blurs when you make a topic specifically designated for controversy.

Also, many 'unpopular opinions' aren't actually unpopular and so you get a plethora of people agreeing with it. Then it only takes one person who thinks on the opposite side of things and it goes up in flames.
I missed out on that thread. I would guess it's because most hot takes on the internet devolve into political or religious discussion.

If I come into this thread and write 'Lady and the Tramp is the best Disney movie' I don't think anybody would come for my throat. (I hope not).

There's usually a line drawn for this stuff and that blurs when you make a topic specifically designated for controversy.

Also, many 'unpopular opinions' aren't actually unpopular and so you get a plethora of people agreeing with it. Then it only takes one person who thinks on the opposite side of things and it goes up in flames.
It’s hard to have a thread dedicated to unpopular opinions. In fact, we had four threads dedicated to that, and they all got locked. Reasons:
  • First one got closed because people were sharing extreme opinions or inappropriate opinions.
  • Second one got closed because it got too argumentative and too political at the end.
  • Third one got closed because it exploded into a board war that got the staff spending several hours of cleaning up. The OP even said not to share political opinions or extreme opinions. It worked for a while, but it eventually went to rot.
  • Last one got closed because it got too argumentative at the end. The staff even said that it was our last chance, and we blew it.
And now we can’t have threads like these because they always lead to drama. Sure that many of us have improved over the last ten years, but there will always be someone or two that will start all of the controversy, and then, nobody can have discussions like this.
finding a part time job so difficult nowadays. they either 1. require too many hours (i’m a full time student) or 2. need you to know a lot relating to the job despite having little to no experience. like why do i need 2 prior years to work as a cashier at home depot?
I dunno if anyone else experiences this, but I have my whole life and it's really weird honestly.

so there are certain sounds and melodies that scare me. it's not the volume/loudness that scares me, I guess maybe it's the... texture of the sound? the way it presents itself? I don't know how to explain it. a classic example for me would be the THX intro. I was terrified of it as a kid, and even as an adult it scares me so bad that I have to turn off my TV or cover my ears when I'm about to hear it. other sounds/melodies that scare me include the Lyrick Studios intro, and the Walt Disney home video intro. there might be other ones that I can't think of right now.

anyway, I was having a somewhat pleasant dream, but then suddenly in my dream I heard what sounded like a distorted PS2 startup sound. the sound that a PS2 makes doesn't scare me, but that's not quite what this was. it was the same sound, but then on a TV screen it turned to this black screen with text saying that a game could not be read, and the sound quickly dropped in pitch and ended abruptly. and that sound scared me so much it woke me up. I'm playing it back in my head compulsively (and intrusively) too, trying to make sense of it, so it's still scaring me a bit. 😅

it was kind of interesting to see people in the comments of the Disney intro video saying that it scared them as a kid. has anyone here experienced something like this? I don't even know how to explain my irrational fear of the Lyrick intro lol.

edit: I just went and saw (with the sound off ofc) the THX intro for the first time in a while, and even that freaking blue rectangle instills in me this crazy kind of fear. 🤣

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