Place your random thoughts.

I realized my posts started as enthusiastic Animal Crossing posts. They have slowly devolved to Brewster's Cafe.... and now I am in The Basement...

Should I be proud? Or have I joined the saddest amongst us?
I didn't know where to post this exactly, but it felt wrong to post it in the happy thread since it's technically not "my" happiness.

But basically, I have a longtime friend on Discord (doesn't use TBT) that has been searching for a good job in his field for ages now, and one place has FINALLY taken a chance on him and hired him. As a good friend of his I couldn't be happier for him, like I'm not even sure I expressed my excitedness in the way I wanted to when talking to him earlier. :blush:
I've just been recently told to open the shop later than usual today, since they have no coffee beans and they were extremely busy on the weekend.
Which is cool, I can stay in bed playing Pokemon a bit, but then I realised - oh god they were extremely busy. And it was just my boss and that one specific worker on the weekend. That place is gonna be so damn messy omg.
And my boss asked me to stay at work until she got there, unsure why, plus need to buy milk AGAIN.
I'll just focus on my nuzlocke.
I hope tomorrow I can work on my drawing more. I haven’t had enough energy to work on it at all this weekend.

I’m reading more of the Genshin manga now and Amber annoys me so much, not that I’m surprised since she annoyed me in the game too. I hope there’ll be more on Il Dottore; I’ve been finding the parts he has been in to be really interesting.
I’m sorry but I’d hadn’t heard of “Anora” until a week ago. If it’s a good movie, please let me know, but Idk about it. (Won Best Picture last night)