Place your random thoughts.

sell me a white feather.

also this dream i had.. creepy melancholia.. but yeah i'd give much for it to be reality
Laughing my ass out of that orange troll mocking everyone for posting in that Unpopular gaming opinions. Yes I'm a proud Neptunia weeb :D
I did better than I thought I would on my practice ACT considering I slept during part of it! I'm ready for the real one. :cool:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Why are The Woods up? Did I miss something?
That's what I was wondering. o:
You know it's wonderful when you upload an animation or art that took ages, and it only gets a few notes or none at all.
It's up for the winners of the prize packs.. some riddle solving stuff I guess.

Nepu nepu...
Thanks mom for not letting me stay home because of me slipping on ice. My hand is going to ******* hurt all day long now. Especially in a school setting. Thanks.
I wish people on this site had more PS consoles that wanted to sell their white feather
I think I'm gonna start rereading Rurouni Kenshin soon. It's such a great manga, and it's been awhile since I first read it.
I wish people on this site had more PS consoles that wanted to sell their white feather

As a complete nitwit on this subject, can you explain to me the purpose of this elusive white feather?
Is it for usage in some sort of game? Can you only get it if you have a playstation? I was actually checking the TBT shop for a white feather for you, but now I start thinking that might be useless. :\