Place your random thoughts.

I put a Free! poster on my music stand and now I feel like I'm constantly being watched by sexy people
I must play more Windwaker, but I need to work on my school poster AND eat breakfast.
Why do I have a Nora Jones song stuck in my head. I barely even listen to her music.
Mah frwend slapped meh arm and itttzz painfulll HE said BeCausE of myyyy jelyyy skinnnz
My mayor is currently dressed as Henry from Fire Emblem: Awakening, and all of my dream villagers are frogs..

So now I can't stop imagining that all of the villagers were actually once humans, but Henry turned them all into frogs. lol
HOLY COW - Sesame Street has 4,352 episodes?! Jeeeeeeeeez! (it's still ongoing, too..)

Also, I was too lazy to read the whole wiki article, but while I was skimming through, I saw this:

"As of 2009, Sesame Street has received 118 Emmy Awards, more than any other television series."

118. Just.. wow.

(I'm curious to see what the new Sesame Street is like.. but I'm afraid I'll be disappointed lol)