Place your random thoughts.

I keep changing my mind of certain majors I want to do.
First it was graphic designs, nursing, education/teacher, and now IT.
Am feeling the late night struggles.
I keep changing my mind of certain majors I want to do.
First it was graphic designs, nursing, education/teacher, and now IT.
Am feeling the late night struggles.

;u; At least you have some ideas, I still don't know what I want to even attempt once I get into college.
I really hate the terminology used in my course for the planning assignments i stg.
for example: i've got to talk about the resources in this planning (it's for the production of a video) and basically i've got to talk about the 'talent' in it, which means that who will be acting in the video.

idk it just
irritates me slightly why can't it be like 'actors and actresses', it'd make more sense tbh
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because it's academical crap. trust me a lot of film studies texts i read are like that using fancy words lol
because it's academical crap. trust me a lot of film studies texts i read are like that using fancy words lol

yepp. and dont get me started on all of the documentation i have to do for this smh i mean i've done this before? it's just really repetitive
yepp. and dont get me started on all of the documentation i have to do for this smh i mean i've done this before? it's just really repetitive

yeah like these film frames are oscillating, blah blah mimetic blah.. ugh wut

umm hoooow about just writing it normally?
and on top of the production i have to find people that'll be exceedingly reluctant to be in this video... oh joy. lmao
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and on top of the production i have to find people that'll be exceedingly reluctant to be in this video... oh joy. lmao

lel good luck m8

also i hate when we need to go like halfway across town to some random place for class ugh