My English class has to enact a scene from Hamlet as part of our final and my group decided to film it using stuffed animals, so I'm looking over the footage now to edit everything and I'm dying because in the end we're all chanting a verse from it over really dramatic music and it kinda sounds like we're in some kind of Shakespearean cult.
I keep having problems with my ears and it's just so annoying to deal with. ;v; One of my ears has blocked up so my hearing in that ear is all muffled so now I have to get ear drops and put them in every night and it makes me feel so low and depressed, I find it hard to concentrate and it's just awful. Plus I have mock exams next week and I just don't have the motivation within me to revise or work hard for them, life is really... Difficult, at the moment, I just need the Christmas holidays to be here so I can focus on myself and not worry about school work or anything like that. I want to focus on improving myself and becoming more positive, and avoid running away from my problems.