Place your random thoughts.


If I had his eyebrows, my LIFE would be SUPER COMPLETE
Okay so, I currently have a 196.78/400 for my Business Statistics class. He still needs to enter in exam three (50 points), the group project part two (50 points), and the remaining homework (15 points). I know I did terrible on exam three because I guessed on the entire thing, but I should at least get some points for that. The the second part of the project I trust my teammates did a good job on it so I should get a lot of points for that. Finally, the homework I should get the full 15 points for. I need a 240/400 to pass the class and it looks like that number will happen, but damn am I paranoid.
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i spent all my bells on christmas lights and now there's present collectibles that don't disappear
One more week of school and my dreadful science teacher.

But I am stronger than her and I can do this I won't let some dumb ugly failure get in my way
i want food, lots of food

also i spent ~$150 on my bf's xmas gifts and i feel like i overdid it a lil he better get me something nice
Where are you now, what are you doing? Are you in this endless sky?

I will miss you for eternity, Fiona.

いつも君思うよ、all my time.
i can't believe people are having trouble finding the first present tbh i found it in like 5 minutes
i dont know why i thought i could draw a snowflake fast LOL it's almost 1:30 and I have to be at the dentist at 8 (i'm getting wisdom teeth out too so i'm like subtly stressing out about that yikes)
My science teacher emanates the dumbest energy waves I have ever seen help
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