Place your random thoughts.

sometimes I wonder if I should go back to my old username and av/sig...
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Un cari?o como el m?o nunca nadie te dar?,
aunque lo busques en China
o en Par?s, Jap?n o tal vez en Gstaad.
Muy cerca de ti.

aaaah ~
i was fooling around with my friend and i was pushing him around. so he moves out of the way and guess who was behind him?? jr. so i fell into jr, he caught me but i accidentally hit him in the balls. so once he caught me he screamed and then let go of me. he then started screaming in pain and im just sitting on the floor laughing my ass off.
i was fooling around with my friend and i was pushing him around. so he moves out of the way and guess who was behind him?? jr. so i fell into jr, he caught me but i accidentally hit him in the balls. so once he caught me he screamed and then let go of me. he then started screaming in pain and im just sitting on the floor laughing my ass off.

omfg rip
i keep hearing my fracking name but when i go downstairs my mom says she didn't say my name frick