Plans of Demise or Plans of Life- The Festivale Float


Bring on the rain ☔
Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
What are you doing with your hoard of Floats?

Was curious what all of you are planning on doing with all your Peacock Floats. I am sure I am not the only one who got multiple and I don't expect anyone to trade or buy them. If I my island was super tropical, I could see myself using 3 with the golden throne diy but I have not use for the Float except for one for the Festivale Celebration. I am unsure what to do with the others. I wonder if they give a boost to friendship if you gift them to villagers?
I actually only got one because all I wanted was the rainbow set LOL 😂 He asked for a second float exchange and I was like hm NO THANKS and kept the feathers.
That must be nice. I ended up with 12 because I wanted multiple garlands lol! what am I to do with 12 large loud golden peacocks! haha!
I have a lot of extras, I might ask in the cranny forum to trade them for lamps.
I have 2 and I'll probably make a symmetrical festivale area ^^
I have a few, i'll probably sell or put them in give away bags. I really only want to keep one as i don't see how they could be used for decor outside of Festivale time and i think more than one is a bit overkill
I had a small empty area on my beach, so I put one there, along with a couple of the lighted balloons. It looks ok, because it's right next to a tiki bar.
fortunately I only ended up with one but I don’t even know what to do with that, god knows how I’d handle any more! for now it’s sat in storage.. maybe some day it’ll make an appearance
I think the float is actually pretty cool, but unfortunately it doesn't really fit with my theme, so it's just sitting in storage for now.
Haha I got 4 of them and made a mini parade. They remind me a lot of Carnaval. My island is a resort so I appreciated all the flashy Festivale items like the float. I'll be leaving them up as soon as something better gets released.
I have 4 right now, and as pretty as they are, I don't have a use for them. They'll just sit in my second character's storage, which is just there for extra event items right now.
Similar to the Spooky carriage and Toy Day sleigh, I really have no idea what to do with the Festivale float. I guess I could put them all together on a parade route, but that would take up too much space.
i have like 5 because i wanted to get all the items in all colors(just for completion sake). no idea what to do with them. i'm really annoyed that the game forced us to waste time getting them over and over. it should've been one and than if u want more go to him with 3 rainbow feathers and he can ask do u want a float for 3 feathers or an item for one? but no lets force us to waste time and feathers on crap we don't want.
Has anyone tried gifting them to villagers? I wonder if there is dialog to it or if it boosts friendship. I think that is what I am going to do if they continue to sit in my storage.
Keep it in storage like the most of the items in NH.

Would have preferred a Pave sofa.

God we need furniture!
You know, I am kinda surprised we don't have those lawn furniture sets that has the umbrella coming out the top since this game is about decorating things outside.
I know you hate crafting.. but if they made thunderstorms more frequent in the spring and fall, then we could find lightening struck sand on the beaches to dig up to use for glass making for lawn tables or other glass things that look cool or pretty... or we could sell it. It could be worth a pretty bell.
I have 2 of them and I'm not sure what to do with either. I was trying to sell one but realized everyone had a bunch of these so I am not surprised no one is interested in buying mine. Maybe I'll make a parade or something. Since my island is tropical themed it would fit perfectly!