Plans of Demise or Plans of Life- The Festivale Float

I actually only got one because all I wanted was the rainbow set LOL 😂 He asked for a second float exchange and I was like hm NO THANKS and kept the feathers.
Funny. The parade float is my favorite item in the game. I've got one on display, but I guess I don't really know what I'm going to do with the second one.
I only had the energy to get one of them, and I think I'll use it as a centerpiece in my plaza area during Festivale season. Otherwise, that thing will live in my storage indefinitely. I really like it honestly, but it's super gaudy and it only works as valid decor during this time of year... in my opinion.
Funny. The parade float is my favorite item in the game. I've got one on display, but I guess I don't really know what I'm going to do with the second one.
Oh I love it too! I just didn't need a second one since it's one of those items that I only want and need to use once for my island :)
the only idea i had was to put them on my custom street, as if there was a parade or something, but just the peacock floats there seems kinda ... weird. maybe if more float items are added i could make a cool parade on my street.
I wish we could customize it! I would love to use it if I could change its colour to make it appear less out of place on my island.
Well seeing how many people got more than one, I think that will be the LAST thing people are looking for 😂 😂
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I will use mine somehow...but, I've not decided how. Maybe down by my boardwalk area. I was hoping to get two of them, but I only got one. I never had plans for how to use two of them...I just thought it would be nice to have an extra. Lol.
I redeemed so many feathers trying to get more Festivale stages and ended up with three floats. I think I'm going to put one at the front of my island (but turn it off sometimes because hearing the tinny float music over the game's background music gets a little overwhelming), and then park the other two near the back like boats.
I only got one so far, I might try to get a second one. I'm still on Festivale day and probably will be for the next few days since I don't have much time to play and I want more balloons and lamps.

I'll probably throw my peacock float into storage until next year. I can't think of a use for it right now. I'll bring it out again next year and put it in my seasonal area.
I only have one and I just placed it somewhere random. I don't have a theme and my island is already a big mess, so it doesn't matter.
I only got one since it'll be put in the storage anyway, for collection purposes.
The other items will be used on my beach area though.
You know, I am kinda surprised we don't have those lawn furniture sets that has the umbrella coming out the top since this game is about decorating things outside.
I know you hate crafting.. but if they made thunderstorms more frequent in the spring and fall, then we could find lightening struck sand on the beaches to dig up to use for glass making for lawn tables or other glass things that look cool or pretty... or we could sell it. It could be worth a pretty bell.
No. No more crafting or materials.

It's absurd as it is.

My wife's character just got rid of 40 rows of materials. :(

I miss the real AC.
One set of tools.
A money rock.
I only have one float from the event, I TT'd when the attempt to give me a second one came up and collected some more furniture items and then just avoided Pave. The one I received I placed near the airport for the duration of the Festival day and then the next day I picked it back up and placed it in storage, which is probably where it will be staying as there really isn't anywhere on the island where it would fit well.
I got about 5 because I was trying to collect the set in every colour lol. I'm currently displaying one and the others are going into my storage until I can think of how to use them.
I have three I think. They're so big I don't know what to do with them long term. For now I've put one in my entrance area where a fountain usually goes. Please enjoy the cursed bird entrance below.

I have three I think. They're so big I don't know what to do with them long term. For now I've put one in my entrance area where a fountain usually goes. Please enjoy the cursed bird entrance below.

It looks nice!
I wouldnt call it cursed unless it asks arrivals riddles in order to go further :)
I got four or five. I kept two, although I'm not certain where or if I'll display the second one. I'll hang on to it for a bit and decide whether to sell it later.