Plant suggestions/discussion


Chasing Luna MothWings
Mar 3, 2018
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Festival Lantern
Plum Blossom
Fortune Cookie
Night Sky Scenery
Snowstorm Scenery
Playful Scenery
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Friday the 13th Candy
I haven't seen one of these threads, so Imma make one. While I mainly made this to get plant advice, I think we should have a place to discuss our plants as well.

I'm looking to get plants that don't require alot of sunlight (or if they do, the plant will be small enough to put in my window sill) and low maintenance plants. So far I've seen Sugar Rush, Devil's Ivy, succulent cacti and Tilllandiqkdqkfn (what I have now), ferns, snake and pothos plants.

I'm no green thumb, the only plants I've been able to keep alive are one Tillansdia (?) And some cacti. I want to reproduce some of my current succulents as well.

So what plants do you have, and do you have any advice or tips for other wannabe green thumbs?
I wanna become a plant mom!!!!

I have a succulent at work and it makes me smile! It's so easy to take care of.

In my room I have a bamboo plant that I highly recommend getting if you suck at taking care of plants like I do. You literally give it medium sun, meaning putting it near a window and then keep its container filled with water at all times. You'll never kill it. Mine is huge now and I've had it for easily 3 years now.
I love Cacti.

Another good indoor plant that truly thrives is the Syngonium White Butterfly.

Also the umbrella plant.

I also like carnivorous plants like the venus fly trap. I had one that lasted two years until my old dog I used to have got to it.
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Get a Christmas cactus! They should be easy to find this time of year and they need almost next to no sunlight.
I love the snake plant!
Reminds me of AC. ^_^
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You could buy a Chinese Evergreen, they don't ask for much light. Or even a snake plant? They have some cool varieties in both species!
Corrie My sister used to have bamboo! She kept it watered for the most part and it was actually growing. She kept it on a dresser by a window, even thou it didn't get alot of sunlight. Once she covered up her window thou, it died pretty fast. I think next time I go to the plant nursery I'll get a glass jar, pebbles and a stalk. The jar will be more expensive then the stalk, it's literally a 1.25$ for a small stalk.

John Wick I looked up umbrella plant and I remember seeing these as a kid around my school. I like plants with unique looks or flowering plants. Usually my plants use up all the nutrients in the soil and never make flowers again. This umbrella plants looks cool I'll have to see if I can find one.

Bcat I thought Chritmas Cactus was like a joke at first (like you were saying buy a cactus around Xmas time) but when I looked it up, omg? I need it. It is such a unique plant, I love the shape!

Nougat I think I've actually seen mini snake plants before but called them off as succulents (I'm not really knowledgeable about plants). I like the variety with colour, it would give my succulents more buddies.
I understand that you'd think they're succulents, they have a bit of the same leaf texture sometimes! They also don't need tons of water - I found out the hard way with one of them suffering from root rot after having watered too much. I basically killed it with my kindness :(
I wanna become a plant mom!!!!

Me too!

Its not worth the money in my case though as my room in the house never gets any sunlight, hence why I'm always freezing my socks off! I bought an orchid for my mother a year ago for her birthday and it still seems to be thriving and she sends me update pictures every so often, it still looks very pretty and honestly didn't think she would treasure it for so long (she is the most difficult to buy for!).

My dad on the other hand, has always wanted a bonsai tree in his living room. But a decent one is costly and I wouldn't trust that he would look after it even though he has wanted one for years and years. Again though, its the lighting conditions that stops me from getting him one because its best that they sit in a place that has a great deal on sunlight and yet his flat is very dark and he owns no garden for it to live in. I've noticed he's had a few spider plants plotted in various spaces around his flat though, I think they ad a nice touch to an empty lonely shelf -- probably useful for my room lol!
YES, I was MADE for this!

As a mother of 9 (plants) I strongly recommend: pothos/philodendron, english ivy, and gold moss sedum as theyre very resilient and beautiful!

Also be very wary of pests like gnats, mites, mealybugs, etc. when you pick up your new plant child from the nursery/shop, inspect the plant thoroughly and disturb the first inch or so of the soil and see if there are any critters that fly or crawl out. If everything seems clear youre free to take your baby home, it's best to change its soil once you get home to really make sure your plant doesnt have any extra "visitors" with it. after changing the soil keep them in "quarantine" for about a week or 2 (basically keep them away from any other plant to avoid any pest spread).

Be careful with buying certain types of soil too, some of them can harbor gnats and other nasties in them.

-Hope this helps, happy gardening!

and OF COURSE, cannot leave without showing of some of my children!
