make sure you have adequate lighting before buying a plant! if you have a good sunny window then you can get a wide range of plants. you can get little "signs" to put near your plant to get an idea of the care they need. its not 100% necessary to have great lighting but if you want variety, its great to have.this year I’m determined to get some little plants for my uni house and actually learn how to take care of them properly! I’d love to be someone who just knows the basic ins and outs of taking care of certain plants. my parents are very into maintaining our garden so i feel like it’s inevitable I’ll fall down the same path!
to stick closer to the theme of the thread if anyone has recommendations for indoor plants I can look out for let me know! I’m thinking snake plants seem almost impossible to kill but variety would be nice
cacti is super easy to take care of and they're a good beginner plant IMO. aloe is a great lil guy to have if you use it for cooking or medicine purposes. snake plants can survive low light so if you're not lucky to have really good light in your uni, but can get at least come, that would be a good place. spider plants as well.
but honestly? just walk into a plant store and pick out what seems nice for you. there are a ton of varieties and plants aren't as easy to kill as most would think, just so long as you dont neglect it. most store-bought plants will come with care instructions, and if they dont you can find them online.