playing 2 AC games at once


Senior Member
May 8, 2019
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
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Tasty Cake
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June Birthstone (Pearl)
lately i’ve been active on WW and NH and i find that it makes me appreciate both games more! the character and silliness of WW really shine and the fashion and creative parts of NH are even more exciting when i’m switching between the games. does anyone else feel this way? it’s like i get what each game lacks through the other one
I wish I could do that and I tried to play new leaf again because I miss Brewster a lot but I don't like the graphism of new leaf anymore, new horizon is too pretty and troll my mind lol
I tried doing both WW and NH, but kinda fell off both games for about a month and then never returned to WW. While I was playing, though, I could appreciate the differences between the two like you were saying. They're two different experiences.
I never played WW but I’ve heard such good things about the villager dialogue in it. I want to give it a try sometime.
I played New Leaf for a hot second while playing New Horizons, but like @lexy_ just said, the graphics just make it tough to keep going when you have such a beautiful game like New Horizons. On top of that, New Leaf and New Horizons are just very similar in my mind that they are just hard to play together. I think if I tried playing ACPG or ACWW I might be able to get into it because they feel a lot more different in comparison to New Horizons. Like New Horizons and New Leaf are really about living life how YOU want to live it where ACPG and ACWW feel much more like living life how LIFE wants you to live.
I tried doing this with CF and NL back in 2013 and found it to be the opposite. I found it exhausting trying to keep up with two games simultaneously.
I try to go back to WW, but the only thing worse than the graphics is the set up of the top and bottom screen. I like how New Leaf handled this. Welcome to the City / City Folk on the other hand is still a great game if you're looking to play Wild World again. It's almost better than replaying New Leaf if you don't mind not having clothing options for legs
I still play my gamecube town sometimes. Obviously New Horizons is superior as far as content and graphics goes but there’s just something about the gamecube game. Maybe it’s pure nostalgia but it hits different.
I tried playing WW for a while again when I was attempting to stop myself from buying a switch solely for the purpose of playing NH but that clearly didn't work haha, I found it too difficult to continue with my WW game after starting NH due to the difference in graphics (I'm also a sucker for decorating things)
I tried doing it with NL and NH, but I couldn't stand it. I missed the terraforming and creativity of NH but I also loved the more classic animal crossing style of NL. I wish I could play them both, but they give off so many different vibes from each other I couldn't play then both at the same time. Maybe if I finish my island i'll play through NL again.
I was trying to play my NL game along with NH but couldn't. After the first few days I just stopped playing NL. It just seemed like NL was lacking so much to do now. Really one of the big things for me is being able to decorate my island the way I want. It's really not that easy to do with NL, and it's something that they did such a good job with. But it could be that things are just similar enough between the two that it seems silly to play NL, where as playing one of the older ones might not be so bad. Kinda wish I had the Wii and CF, but that's at my parent's.
Im playing the Gamecube AC alongside New Horizons currently. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I prefer the GC game. It's so simple and pleasing, and not overwhelming in the way NH is.
Omg. I'm doing the same right now. The convos in GC are soo good. I love my animals in GC as well, since they are forced on me. I still love my darlings in NH, but there is something nice about getting villagers who you might not have liked forced on you, and getting attached to them.

I also love the NPCs way more. I'm currently in love with Booker and Pete.
I play all the Animal crossing games daily. It does make me appreciate each game more bit sometimes it makes me hard to play NH.
I was actually thinking about this the other day! I saw somebody running a shop for both NH and NL and though how crazy it must be to play both editions of AC at the same time and wondered if it was common- which I'm now realising it is, more so than I thought, at least! I could never, there's always way too much to do and I get so distracted, moving one flower can snowball into re-designing an entire part of my island for me lmao. I would definitely get frustrated or sad about the graphics, even if I did love, and I do, previous games because you just get used to a certain quality after a while don't you? Mad respect to people with the brains to be able to play both! I can hardly manage the one lmao!