My previous "playing B/W2" was a bit more successful than I thought and therefore I would thought that doing this could be fun aswell! Read below about rules and how this works!
We all reset our X/Y games and then proceed to play through the games togheter, posting about our teams, thoughts, and experiences here! If there are any pokemon on your current save file that you wish to keep I'd be happy to hold that pok?mon for you, I will reset after everything is done so don't worry about that! We play through the game after a set schdule so that no-one slips behind/speeds ahead. Feel free to play the game however you like, wedlocke, nuzlocke, normal playthrough.. whatever! Everything is fine
I will be breed a ton of eggs with my 6 IV ditto on my current pok?mon X game. If you wish to play the game with 6 random eggs just tell me and I'll trade them to you!
Since Wi-Fi is still a thing considering it's on the 3DS we could have little 10-tbt games, just for fun!
Current participants!!
Earth Wolf-Howl
Monkey D Luffy
Color Bandit
Gym 1: doneGym 2: Done
Gym 3: Done
Gym 4: Done
Gym 5: Done
Gym 6: Starts at: Friday 9/18/2015 at 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST)
Gym 7:
Gym 8:
Elite 4/champion:
Let me know what should change/ What you think
Thank you!
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