Cycling Plaza free Cycling (Box:)

35 minutes! Working on my dreamie town currently, but already got Stitches on first refresh XD thus, I'll be ready to refresh for the cycle town soon, hopefully
Hey there!! Thanks a lot for having free cycling that's really nice of you!! I would like to enter for Fauna the normal deer villager! She would be a present for my girlfriend since her Fauna just moved out and she's heartbroken. Thanks again!!
That's fine, it'll take me forever getting the town established.

And good look with Fauna, I hope I can help your gf <3
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Can someone please explain to me how one obtains a dreamie because i've only recently grasped the concept of cycling but still have no idea how you get one person can give another person a villager
Can someone please explain to me how one obtains a dreamie because i've only recently grasped the concept of cycling but still have no idea how you get one person can give another person a villager

When a villager is about to move out and is in boxes, you can get another person to visit your town. Once the person tells the villager to move in, he or she will have a plot the next day c:
When a villager is about to move out and is in boxes, you can get another person to visit your town. Once the person tells the villager to move in, he or she will have a plot the next day c:
I take it the person receiving the villager has to have like 9 villagers, room enough for someone to move in xD or do they just move in a boot someone out
Winners have been announced, and is even got my own dream mascot in the process. After 60 resets this was the best I could do. I will be on the lookout for other's dreams c: image.jpg
Thanks! He's the only keeper I'll have and I'll reset the free cart I got for whoknowswhat just yet cx
xD haha you have an extra cart? :O lucky! wish I had one so I can start a cycling town xD
what you have in plan for that one?

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ah man I'm jelous of the person who got Fauna wish I asked for her instead pfft xD
No clue yet. Might just use it to travel day to day, experience time traveling without worry or trying to make things perfect

You'll get plenty of chances I bet ^3^
Okay guys I officially fail at cycling. I was trying to do the year-year-5 days and I was one day too late! Luckily it was an autovoid a anyhow. What'd I do wrong, guys? :c