Please help me! ): I beg


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2020
Hey guys, someone help me with villagers moving out. I did the thing many people suggested (Travveling 3 days in a row and continuing till they leave) and still no luck after time traveling over TWO MONTHS! I tried again today and one of my villagers wanted to move out even though I speak to him often and haven’t spoken to the ones I went t leave in over a week (without tt)
That theory is just something that might help. I don't think there's al 100% guaranteed way to make someone leave.
Yes, it sounds like bad RNG. Sorry OP. ):
The method I use is talk to a few villagers then tt foward 15 days, always works for me
I know this sounds counter intuitive, but the best luck ive had is to NOT talk to the villagers you like and talk to the one that you want to leave every few days (stay on speaking terms with them) but not everyday.

For some reason, this works for every stubborn villager I couldn't get rid of.