*Autoreserves Marshal for Hippeux*
why do people bother with stuff like that. If I'd automatically void the villager anyway, it would be pointless.
Please could i reserve clay?
Is it ok if i get a villager moving i let you know who it and i can can give you one?
I have Deirdre in boxes. I would like to reserve Bruce... Are they of like value?
Aw cute Maple.
I used to have a town called Maple, and Maple the cub randomly moved in.
Again (I think it was you who asked last time ahah)
I'm certain I haven't cycled out enough people to take Deidre in again, sorry! :/
Darn it! Yes, it was me, except last time it was Muffy...
Again (I think it was you who asked last time ahah)
I'm certain I haven't cycled out enough people to take Deidre in again, sorry! :/
Darn it! Yes, it was me, except last time it was Muffy...
I've actually been considering chucking Lolly out and putting him in my main.. hmm..
I didn't like her as much as I thought I would. Same with Lolly, the normal personality is really boring..
Ah. What about Fauna? I like the normal personality a lot. My favourite is Tia. :3
I really like Lolly. c: