I'd love to get Chief!
I have Frobert moving out soon, but I also would like to get rid of Lionel and Whitney eventually.
Whitney would be an instant yes to Chief!
Yay! I just finished my last final today so I'm going to be playing all day long for 2.5 weeks. I'm a day by day TTer so hopefully she will move out soon!
Frobert is pretty cute, but I just love the look of Peck the jock bird so much! Gotta get him somewhere.
Ahhh I need more time for camofrog!
Wow, I would LOVE Whitney... she is amazing. Will you cycle her Melleia, or do you want her for yourself?
aah its so hard not to start cycling right now
you don't realise
how hard
it is
Please can I auto reserve Filbert, I don't know what villagers are equally popular though
My villagers: (up for trade)